Too Soon or Too Late?

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"Helena, will you be my girlfriend?" Andy asked. His smile turned into a nervous look.

I couldn't feel my legs.

Suddenly I could feel my heartbeat through my whole body and every second without me answering, looking into his eyes, felt like eternity.

What would I say, I don't even know what I feel myself, how am I supposed to tell him?

If I say yes then everyone's going to know it's official. We can't just be a thing anymore. And I don't know if I want to be official.

And if I say no he's gonna think I'm not attracted to him. Or that I don't like him at all. Or that I'm a bitch. I mean Trimane and Jamie are watching for fucks sake.

"A-Andy. I'm 16." I reminded him. I guess Jamie knows I lied about my age now. But honestly that's the least of my worries right now. How could a guy like him even want to date a child like me? I'm practically just another fangirl when I'm with them. I may hide it well but I still get nervous when Andy even says my name.

Andy looked down more upset than ever. I could see his jaw clench and his whole face tense up as if he was trying to act strong about it.

I could try, but I'm not even capable of putting into words how much seeing him like this hurt me. I couldn't do this to him. I love him.

And that's when I realized.

If I truly love him the way I feel I do, I wouldn't care if it costed me not being able to sleep around in my teens like most girls go through at some point before settling down.

But if I were with Andy, I shouldn't care. He's perfect. How could I pass up this opportunity. And I know he might seem strong.

But if I stuck with a no, he'd go home and go into his room. And cry. He'd cry because of me. I just know it.

I got my hand and pushed my pointer finger under his jaw to bring his face to look at mine again.

"Of course I'll be your girlfriend." I told him.

Just saying those words into his eyes, seeing his expression change into the most love a person could have in their eyes, I knew I made the right choice.

"But we can't tell everyone." I finished.

Andy gave less of a smile, but an understanding look and then returned to the happiness he had, and grabbed me in a huge hug. He spinned me around in the hug like he did the one time he brought me on stage. I laughed into his shoulder as he spun me. I could get used to this.

Trimane and Jamie started clapping and I looked over after Andy put me down, to see Jamie rubbing her eyes in a sarcastic looking crying way. We are some pretty cute shit.

Andy and I just laughed and we walked to the front to pay. I felt Andy's hand grabbed mine and I responded by wrapping mine around his with our fingers intertwined. I loved holding his hand.

I felt a wrapping over his hand like he got a tattoo there too. I looked down and saw a pretty hand piece with designs in it on the side of his hand where it used to say "Dragon Fly" in Juliet's handwriting.

Oh my god he got it covered up.

Andy started to pay for both his and my tattoo. I would've insisted I pay for my own, but I kind of am a 16 year old without parents supporting them in L.A with no job.

I did get an application earlier for Hot Topic though. Hopefully that works out.

We walked out still holding hands and he got into the drivers seat after opening the passenger seat for me and chuckling.

"We're actually a pretty damn cute couple Andy. Like is this a happy version of The Notebook or?" I said to Andy after he sat down and put the keys in.

He just laughed and looked at me with a glare in his eyes before putting the car into drive.

"I love you Helena." He told me, his cheeks must hurt from smiling so damn much, with his huge smile, tonight.

"You better not still be drunk." I said looking at the steering wheel then back to him to indicate that I was talking about him driving.

He rolled his eyes and looked forward.

I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. I know he could feel that I'm smiling. Then I went back and sat down normally and he turned his head smiling big once again, looking happy again.

He went over and kissed me on the lips then sat back, still smiling, and started the car.

We were almost back to our house when the song started, it was Don't You Go by All Time Low.

All Time Low is one of my favorite bands so recently I've been making Andy listen to them a lot too. Not like he doesn't like them, cause he loves them too.

We both gave each other the look as it started and right when the first word came in we screamed it at the top of our lungs.

This is one of my favorite songs off their new album.

"Don't you go!" Andy looked over at me and we sang to each other as loud as our lungs would let us.

We could still barely hear each others voices because the music was so loud.

Andy leaned over and went in for a kiss.

I saw something bright coming from my side and looked. It was a car, Andy had ran a red light.

"Andy!" I screamed as the car crashed into us.



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