Should This End Or Start Here

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"You have to be fucking with me." I said trying to calm down and not over react. I mean if I was drunk and didn't remember anything it's kind of like it never happened still.
Except that he remembers everything apparently.

"Well, I mean, I was.." He replied sarcastically.

That punny fuck.

I stood up, "Andy I was a fucking virgin!"

"Really? You didn't seem like one." He said looking down and chuckling to himself.

"What the fuck does that even mean? And yes. I was saving it for someone I loved." I told him.

"Well, you did say you loved me but that lasted for about three days." He replied then looked up with a face of I probably shouldn't have said that.

I looked away and he stood up and wrapped himself around me. My arms were crossed but his familiar hug felt like home to me and I un wrapped my arms from each other and wrapped them around his back as tight as I could.

He whispered "Don't go. I don't want us to be people who've had a one night stand. I wanna be with you every night." He went back to his deep voice.

Fuck his deep voice for always sounding so god damn hot. Honestly can be just have the voice of a ten year old girl so I don't have to melt in his arms every time he uses his voice.


Today's the day Andy's moving in. It's only been a day since our talk in my room. But I understand him wanting to get into a good house and bed as soon as he could. He also could've bought his own house, I know he has enough money for it, but I guess he really wanted to live here.

If I'm being honest I'm kind of scared of him moving in. I thought about it a lot last night after he left.
I mean what if he wants to do the do every night? I mean that's not the problem but the problem is what if he's terrible at it? What if he has a chode?

I can't just be like oh never mind just started my period.

I should stop thinking so much and hangout with someone. The only close girl friend I have right now is Hanna Beth so I guess I'll call her up and invite her to go to a coffee shop near me and the guy's house. I go to it almost every morning.

It's called "California's Coffee Home" and it's really laid back and has great coffee. But I guess I'd like any coffee. Oh my gosh they should sell monsters there!

I put on black high wasted skinny jeans that I cut on the knees, slipped on black leather crocodile looking boot heels, a light pink/ orange summer looking crop top where the strings wrap around the back of my neck like a swimsuit. I was wearing a strapless bra because she shirt looks better without straps.
Lastly I throw on a leather jacket with studs around in some places and says "I'm With The Band" on the back.
Andy bought it for me at Warped because he thought it was "funny and cute" which is very true.
And I only put on some mascara and walked out of the house.

Andy was outside along with CC, CC being in the U-haul truck getting something and Andy walking up to the door with a black headboard.
When he saw me he got a big smile and I saw him look me up and down.
Okay this may be a bit bad of a thought but damn he looks hot right now. He's sweating from all the moving.

I smiled a bit at the thought and when he was near me, him walking to the door and I to the car, he sat down the head board against a part of the house and asked.

"Where are ya going?" He said almost out of breath at moments from being exhausted. It was 6:00 p.m and they've been at it for about three hours, bringing stuff in and setting up. Damn he had a lot to bring.

"Out." I said with a smirk and continued walking towards Ashley's car that he lets me drive because he's so sweet and I told my mom to sell my apartmet and car back in Dallas and she sent me the overall money when it's all sold. I really am mature for a 16 year old. But the court doesn't know my mom wasn't living at the house with me.

When I got to the coffee shop Han was already there on her phone sitting by the window in the front.

We talked about everything that happened last night. I usually text her right after anything happens but I wanted to tell her this in person to see her face.

She wasn't shocked. She laughed. What the fuck.

"Look girly, he's a rockstar. You went on his bus and got drunk with him. What did you think was gonna happen? He was gonna let you sleep lonesome in a bunk? That's not what rockstars do." She said and called over a waitress.

I ordered my usual coffee and she got some fancy tea and we talked more.

"Hey, there's a hot topic a couple doors down from here, wanna walk?" I asked once we were both done with our drinks and had talked about both me and Andy and her and Mod  Sun.

"Yeah sure, I love it when people recognize me at Hot Topic which is the only store kids would know me at." She said and we threw away our cups and walked down to Hot Topic.

While walking I got a text from Andy.

"Hey, when you get back I got a surprise for you. We're gonna go out tonight 😜"

My heart started beating faster. That still happens every time Andy texts me about anything and especially when I'm ever around him its like my heart thinks I just ran twenty miles and I love the way he can make me feel like that.
Wait. Are we doing something when we come back to the house tonight? This time while I'm fully aware of what's going on.. Oh god now I can barely breathe.



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