The Callout

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I don't know why I'm up this early, it's 7:42 a.m. That's the earliest I've been up all tour.

I'm in the bunk with Jinxx still, I don't wanna wake him up by rolling out. Andy offered for me to sleep in his bunk every night but that'd be weird I mean it's not like we're dating or anything.
Ugh fuck it, I roll out of bed as softly and quietly as I can but we were the top bunk so that wasn't as easy as bottom would've been.
Good, didn't wake anyone up, I don't think.

I go and check my phone to see a couple alerts. People freaked out from a selfie I posted with Andy yesterday on Instagram. A bunch of my friends are either freaking out or telling me to hook them up with him.
Oh Han texted me like twelve minutes ago, her and her hippie boyfriend are always up early because they love the smell of morning or something.

"Come over to the Mod Sun bus when you wake up, everyone's hangin out and I miss my girl):"

I know "my girl" might sound a little weird for some people but we've always called each other weird stuff like that.
I grab my favorite furr coat which is actually Hanna's and my black leather heel boots, also hers, and head out the door in whatever makeup I still have on my face from last night.

I get to the bus and there's Mod, Hanna B, Chris Drew, Riff Raff, and about five other people who I have no idea who they are.

"Heyyy!" Hanna said walking up to me with open arms, and of course I hugged her back.
"Hey stoner." I said to her smiling, I could tell she was high and I could also see how she handed the bong to Mod when I came around the corner. It's cute how they have a little stoner area right out his bus with a bunch of blankets and pillows and they put it out at every city.

"How you and Andy doing?" She asked as she walked and sat down back down next to her boy and patted the ground next to her where I followed and sat, sitting next to Chris.
"We're just friends, remember?" I said looking at her, feeling kind of weird talking about Andy in front of these people.

A couple hours went by and Riff Raff and Mod had to leave for a set, a couple of fans who were in the circle following including Hanna B.

But it wasn't weird with me, Chris and two other people, a couple who were all over each other. Okay it was a little weird I'll admit. But Chris was a really nice guy and I've been talking to him even more than I've been talking to Han while I've been here actually. I don't know maybe it's because he seems really interested in what I have to say.

"So you and Andy huh?" Chris said laughing.

"Oh, no no no it's not like that, we barely know each other. Just friends. Besides he has a girlfriend." I said, I don't know if words out about the whole breakup or if they're gonna stay together for publicity or something so I just didn't mention it.

At this point I was laying in Chris's lap so when he would talk to me he'd look down.
The boy's set should be sometime soon, and this bus is on the way down there so I don't know why I haven't seen them.
Me and Chris talk for awhile longer and he brings up how Andy has publicly not liked him many times, but he said he doesn't mind.
"Hey, why don't we go watch their set? I mean you guys should really be friends." I offered.

"Yeah, that sounds groovy man. I'd definitely be down for that." He replied smiling.


"Dude, it's okay, they were just talking." Jake tells me trying to calm me down. I don't know how he can tell that seeing them all flirty with each other pissed me off.
Am I that easy to read? I guess because I've known him for so long he can tell. And I told the guys about how I feel for Helena. She doesn't know I told them though.

I ignore anything anyone's telling me. When I get like this the only way I can feel better is to let out my anger. We're back stage and about to go on so hopefully singing and running around can let it all get out.

I walk out last right after the crowd cheering for Ashley. I look behind me where Helena always and sometimes her friend are standing.
Not there.
Great, that just makes me feel even better.
I know I just recently caused a big scene when I jumped into that crowd to beat those guys up during a concert. But it's not my fault if I blow off on someone again today.

We start Fallen Angels.

As I search the crowd, three songs in, I see him. I see Chris standing with Helena. His arm wrapped around her. Are you kidding me? He really thinks he can just take her from me and then come to my show and show it off to me!?

After we sing our fourth song, me being as pissed as ever, Helena leaves Chris' side, probably to go to the bathroom or something.
Once I can tell Helena is gone far enough I start what I've been wanting to do.

"Hey hillbilly fuck boy!" I start to yell into the mic and the crowd makes noises that consists of screaming even louder and I heard someone in there go "oh my god"
I look directly at Chris and he's standing quite close to the stage so a bunch of people around him know what's going on.
I don't even care what people think I'm gonna tell him exactly what I want to, I don't care how it looks.

"Come on, I don't wanna be a dick. I really don't. But you come to my set right after taking my girl? Really?" I say with anger in my tone.
Ashley comes over to me and whispers "It's not worth it man."

"No, come up here! Try to do what we do! I mean you try to take my girl why don't you take my career too!" He looked shocked and I didn't wanna stop here. I threw the mic down on the stage and walked off.
I walked to where the security is, pushing them all off when they tried to grab me and I walked up to Chris.
Fans started trying to pull my shirt off and such but I just shit talked Chris for a good two minutes until he walked out of the pit and left.


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