Caught Black Handed

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I get that Andy's had a really tough summer so far with the whole Chris's death thing, I really do, but honestly he shouldn't take that out on me.
How am I supposed to act like I'm in a great relationship with the man who I've been trying to hold a grudge on?
He can't just get away with treating me like this.

His fans already all hate me so if we don't at least act like we love each other when the fans are watching they'll have no reason to like me.

You know what? I'm sick of this bbq I think I'm just gonna walk to my bus and sleep. And there are fans here so they can see Andy isn't with me. I don't want anyone taking pictures and posting about Andy not wanting to be around me on ig or anything.

Where the hell is he anyway? Maybe I should go by his bus and check on him.

What the fuck that better not be a party I see? He can't just be a part of a party without inviting me! Who does he think he is?

I walk into the bus and see a bunch of people who looked hammered. Ugh. "Where's my boyfriend!?" I try to yell over the music.
All the guys point to outside where people are dancing but two girls on top of Ashley point to the back bedroom and shortly after Ashley slaps one of their shoulders giving them the "not cool" look.
Those bastards tried to lie to me about where my man is.

"Really, he's outside." Cc says laughing trying to jump in front of me to direct me out back but I take my leopard high heeled shoe and kick him in the shin as he falls to the ground.
"Dweeb" I said, giving a smirk as I walk to the back.

I open the door and see a couple making out on the bed. My natural instinct was to leave and apologize, but,
Wait! Is that Andy on the bottom!? They both look at me "I knew it! What the fuck Andy!" I saw the whore on top of him. The one that he's been looking at for the past two days. What a band whore.
"News flash blondie, sleeping with the band members don't make you famous!" I say as I slap the bitch and walk out. As I walk down the hallway I see Cc still on the floor from earlier and I kick him with my boot again but this time right in the bulls eye. "Ouw! That's my dick lady!" I shook my head and went out the bus flipping them off.

"Ugh" I gasp after her slapping me and walking out closing the door behind her. I got off Andy and sat on the bed beside him covering the slap with my left hand.
He quickly stood up and removed my hand looking at where she slapped me as he bent over looking really concerned.
"Are you okay?" He said, I've never heard him sound so caring to me.
"I'll be fine. I think I just wanna go to bed. Enough has happened tonight." I said back. Not sounding very happy.
"You know if you wouldn't have whored around and would've just broken up with her before going off with some other girl this would've never happened." I said firmly. I shouldn't have said it, I guess being slapped made me pissed at everyone. I didn't like how it felt in this room anymore and I didn't want to look at Andy's face so sad so I stood up trying to leave.

Andy grabbed my waist with both hands to hold me still after I stood up and he rested his forehead on mine, him looking down on me. How does he know it makes me weak when he stares into my eyes like this? How can he make me feel like this all the time?

"Please." Was all he could get out.
I looked up to him and realized through looking it to that beautiful face and crystal eyes that it wasn't completely his fault she slapped me. Even if it was a fuck boy move. I went up a little on my tippy toes and kissed him on the cheek and smiled as I came back down and wrapped my arms around his neck.

He kissed me on my forehead then said "How 'bout this, you lay down with me and I can be the big spoon or the little spoon I don't care. There doesn't have to be any sexual touching, any clothes coming off, just me and you. As long as I'm with you."

When he said that to me in his low voice I couldn't help but melt. I don't think I've ever smiled so big. But what am I doing? I'm not one of these girls. I'm not the type to fall in love.
I'm a bad girl, I'm not the girl who settles down or stays with a guy for longer than a week. I get bored, I get restless and I move on.

"I'm gonna break your heart, Andy." I said to him.

"I'd rather get my heart broken by you than have a whole heart with anyone else."

I smiled a little but I know this won't last. I just hugged him, holding onto this moment.

"I'm gonna go smoke a cigarette, then we can come back to this bed and do anything you'd like. Okay?" He said to me.

I walked out the door making Andy a bit surprised, I guess he didn't think I would smoke. I mean does he really not get I'm a rebel child yet, what, do I need to get it tattoo'd on my head or something?

"Sorry dude,"
"We really tried." The guys tried to makeup for letting Juliet find us.

"Don't worry about it, really." Andy said with a smile and walked out, reaching his hand out for mine and I let him hold it.

He leaned up against the bus. "You smoke?"

"I do now." I said as I took the one from his hand that he was about to lite for himself. I've never had one of these but only because I've never been offered one. I took the lighter and lit it myself. I could Andy look in shock from the corner of my eye as I barely coughed and handed him the lighter back. It was a batman lighter,
"I seem to be surprising you a lot today." I said as he took a drag.

"You're a surprising girl." He said, I can see he's returned to his low voice all the girls wet their panties over.

"So how do I know you won't cheat on me like you did to Juliet?" I said, smiling so he doesn't think I'm actually concerned.

"I guess you won't." He smirked and took another drag.


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