Ch.11 We've Gotta Get a Plan! Part 2

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A/N I really feel like I don't type much right here so I just want to try to at least say that you guys are amazing if you're reading my A/N or author notes. Yeah, you're amazing for putting up with my bad author notes. Anyway hope you enjoy!

"I had let Erza check out or borrow a few books from my room and I found that the books Erza likes to read are my "special ones", if you know what I mean." Levy said with a smirk.

Carla looked at Levy with a grossed out face. "I wouldn't expect Erza of all people to like reading books like "that"." Carla said with a disgusted face.

"Well she does and I let her borrow them from me so she said she owed me." Levy said still keeping her smirk. "This is what I wanted her to do for me so she did it." Levy said with a shrug. "Ok, but now we need to read it." "Ok, where is it?" Carla asked Levy. "Let me go get it." Levy said running to Erza's bags.

"Wait, Levy-san don't go to Erza-san's bags!" Juvia shouted as Levy ran past her. Levy stopped. "What!?" Levy shouted back with a tiny groan. "Erza-san's pile collapsed and now its just a big pile again." "Ok, and so what?!" Levy still shouted.

"Its just that Juvia doesn't want to lose Levy-san to Erza-san's pile." "Whatever goes in never comes out!" Juvia shouted as Levy still ran to the pile. "I'll be fine." Levy said as she jumped into their room. "Aha!" "Their it is!" Levy said as she opened a blue bag with 4 red thunderbolts on it.

She then pulled out a yellow and black book. She zipped the bag back up and took the book to Carla and sat next to her.




30 minutes later

"We did it!" Levy screamed. "We finished the book in 30 minutes!" "Yeah, we did Levy!" Carla screamed too cause of Levy.

"Except we failed!" Carla said sadly. "Yeah we did we are still thinking smart right now." Levy said bummed. "We totally wasted a whole 30 mins." Carla said still sad.

"Oh I know!" Carla shouted suddenly, her face brightening up. "What do you got?" Levy said a little startled.

" Lucy needs to cry." Carla said confidently. "What!?" Levy asked very confused. "The answer is so simple." Carla stated plainly. Levy gave Carla a even more confused face. Carla did a small sigh. "Look, have you ever noticed that when you or Lucy or Juvia cries one of the boys comes for you." Carla said with a little smile. "When one of you is about to get hurt or cries your boys come like your shining knight in armor." "Its only if you cry or are about to get hurt though." "If Lucy cries Natsu will hear it no matter how far he is from Lucy." Carla couldn't help from smiling.

"If Lucy will cry then Natsu will come and He'll fight whatever made Lucy cry so Erza in this case and when Lucy cries his powers boost up because of his protection for her." Carla said as Levy blushed when she thought of Gajeel being her knight in shining armor.

"It has no logic either so its perfect!" Levy shouted. "Lucy's already about to cry though so the plans in motion." How can you tell do you love Lucy too?" Carla asked with a disgusted face. "No not at all like that!" Levy screamed.

Now to Lucy and Erza

A/N Love you guys! Hope you loved it by the way you're amazing! BYE!

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