Ch.24 Meredy & Juvia ( Sisters)

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A/N Starting next chapter! I'm so excited for the next chappie! I've AMV inspired!


Meredy's POV

"It's me Juvia." I murmured with a small smile. "Meredy...." Juvia whispered.

She looked beautiful, though she had scars and scratches on her face, which confused me since she was on someone's back.

I could over hear the crowd from where I was, that's how I know she was carried and everything else.

I looked at her and she let out a little smile. She seemed calm, not drunk. I guess it wore off.

I blinked twice to hold back tears from her smile. She quietly and slowly got up and walked off into the forest area. I ran after her, silent, but swift. I finally caught up to her, next to the river, at the end of the slope that leads into the forest. She was laying on her back, hands up, above her head, getting cold and wet from them laying in the river.

She turned her head and looked at me, who was sitting not to far from her on my knees, watching. She gave me another smile and I kept blinking ti'll I couldn't hold it back. I felt the cold sensation hit my face and give me a false shock. I licked my lips and tasted the cold, wet, salty tears in my mouth. I was full on crying.

"I'm sorry......." I murmured.

"For everything I've done to you."

"I've been a burden on you." I said with tears all over my face.

I felt hot, but cold in the sensation rolling down my cheeks and all over my face. I don't know how it does, but it spreads all over your face fast.

"Juvia......." I said before holding my head in my arms.

I then felt something cold and wet lift up my head, and then two of them held my head up by holding my cheeks.

I looked up into the eyes of a smile - teared Juvia.

"You will never be a burden to me." "Don't say that." "No apologies."

"But I-" I started, but she cut me off.

"Fairytail Wizards acknowledge when they've messed up, but they fix it."

"Apologies happen, but no apologies for something you've already apologized for."

"But I never said sorry." I argued. "You did by your actions, we may have defeated Grimoire Heart, but it was your decision to stop committing evil.

"Fairytail wizards don't say sorry and leave, we let our actions show our apologies."

"You've shown your actions and your decision." "You've already said sorry to me, and I thank you for that."

I cried even harder. I couldn't help it. The salt somehow, tasted sweet in my mouth. I smiled.

It wasn't like my regular smile, it was like all the smiles I've ever done, combined. It was like the one I've given Ultear, but it had all my emotions in it.

It was my true smile.

The smile that had me inside and out.

It was the smile that Juvia had given me on that distant day. The truth.

I saw Juvia cry a little more when she saw my smile.

I ran to her and hugged her, like there's no tomorrow.

"I love you,............... BIG SISTER."

I finally told her what she was to me.

Juvia Lockster was forever to be my BIG SISTER.

Forever......Is how it would be, even after death.

Jellal's POV

I had saw the pink rascal somewhere. Everybody was engaged into conversation, but me and Erza were still staring shocked. I couldn't take my eyes off from wandering all over her.

"Erza." I whispered.


I saw her mouth.

This is not good.

A/N That is the end of this one! What do you think about this song? I actually like it. It was hard to find the song I wanted in AMV for Juvia, but this does to. Also, did you notice how I made Juvia not talk in 3rd person, that's how much she cared.

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