Beep beep richie

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Richie entered the Barrens to wait for the rest of the loser club, his encounter with the werwolf with Bill on old silver still on his mind. He reached his destination only to find just Eddie, sitting silently. "hey Eds" he smiled at him as Eddie looked up and scowled. "Don't call me that, I hate it when you call me that" he shook his head. " I know you do" Richie laughs. "Have any good chucks today, eds?" He asks the smaller boy. He rolls his eyes " hey Richie "? Eddie looks up at Richie. "Hmmm"? Richie answers sitting next to him. " you think it's messed up to be queer"? He suddenly asks. "Everybody's a little messed up Eds" Richie smiles, the two look at each other in a comfortable silence. " now we wait" Richie sighs looking off in the distance waiting for his friends.

When the losers club is leaving the barrens they all pause to hear bill cry "hi-yo silver away!" They all chuckled to themselves as they left. Richie a step or two behind Eddie. "Hey Richie "? Eddie asked again. "Yeah"? "Do you think I could sleepover"? He looked up distressed. "I'll have to ask but I'm pretty sure, why do you seem so worried"? He laughs a little. "I told my mom I'd be sleeping over at my aunts place" he followed Richie to his home. "Why? Was cute little Eddie trying to rebel"? He laughed. "I needed a night away you know" he smiled himself.

They got in riches house "mom! I'm home, an eddies gonna sleepover" Richie yelled. "Alright! I'll set up an extra dinner plate" she yelled back. "Thanks mrs. Tozier"! Eddie yelled. He always enjoyed the Tozier's home. He followed Richie up the stairs and the two read funny books for about an hour. When Richie suddenly spoke a question he'd been choking back all day "hey ed's why'd you ask me that question in the barrens "? Eddie looked up as if he had been preparing for this, "I think I might be....and I like-" Richie held his breath realizing he was actually scared that Eddie might say someone who wasnt him, he'd probably say Bill cause after all they were best friends and bill was the leader, Richie was just a loser who's voices all sounded the same. "You" Eddie mumbled. Richie gave in and kissed the asthmatic Boys lips. Only to stop when Eddie took in sharp breaths. Richie tossed him his inhaler " and he blasts off" he chuckles unable to help himself. "Beep beep richie" Eddie said pressing his lips on to Richies once more.

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