Always on my mind

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"This is crazy. It's summer we should be enjoying our time without school" Eddie sighs as he sits nearly on Richie's lap. "I know it sucks eds" Richie rolls his eyes. He really loved Eddie but sometimes he was a downer. The two had been sitting in Richies room listening to the radio. Eddie rolled his own eyes and stood. "Well I better go," he turns the doorknob. "You're not mad, right"? Richie asked. "No" Eddie says sarcastically " cool" Richie says obliviously and Eddie left. Eddie walked, thinking about their plan of attack in a couple of days. Bev was going to shoot silver. He looked down at his broken arm and sighed.
Bill had done a lot of thinking lately, his friends were counting on him but he just needed to take a breather. So he took Silver for a ride, he ran into Eddie on his ride so he rod next to him as he walked. "Anyway, I just hope I'll be able to help you guys. And try not to have an asthma attack" Eddie chuckles to himself. "Y-y-you know E-e-eddie we need you, y-you're not useless we can't do it w-w-without you" Bill rides silver slowly, his head rest on his arms which were crossed on the handlebars. "You know something Bill"? Eddie looks to his friend. "Huh"? He asks. "One of the scariest things about IT, is even when he's not torturing us, he's constantly in my head. IT is all I think about it " "I f-f-feel that too Eddie, I do" Bill sighs.
Bill sat in the barrens Ben, Mike, Stan, Bev, Richie, and Eddie all around him. "Y-you know w-w-what guys"? They all turned to him. "I d-d-don't know if we'll make it, but Im t-t-trying to f-f-fake it" he bites his lip. "We're all faking it, so soon enough it'll become real" Eddie replies, the group nodded. Bev stared at Bill, Bill looked back at her when she turned. Ben watched Bev as she sighs. Mike was fully aware his his friends felt at times like this, they were open books. Eddie looked troubled and slight aggravated. Richie looked at Eddie confused, he must have pissed Eddie off but being Richie wasn't best at reading expressions, he didn't know. Stan looked scared but happy as he smiled at the ground. Bev blushed as she made eye contact with Bill while Ben watched in sadness to which Mike felt sympathy. Mike himself felt content.
"Eds come on I know you hate my voices but could you at least humor me" Richie pouted at Eddie as they sat alone. "I don't hate your voices Richie" Eddie rolled his eyes once more. " why are you so grumpy" he grabs his hand. " I'm not" he protested. Richie tilted his head suspiciously. "Ok ok I'm just feeling small" he sighed. "Well you can't be that small, I mean how big is it?" Richie looked at him , Eddie chuckled. " not funny Richie" he slapped his chest. " I mean less important then you guys" he looked up at Richie. "I find it funny you're insecure cause I always thought you had nothing to worry about cause you're cool, smart, brave and not to mention cute" Richie pinched eddies cheeks and Eddie smiled. " I'm glad I keep you around" Eddie patted Richies hair. "Keep me around? I'm the one keeping you around" Richie kisses Eddies cheek. "Yeah sure" eddie giggles, "yeah"! Richie grabs eddies fave and kisses him. "I love you" Eddie whispers, "I love you too, eds" Eddie slaps his chest again.
Richie kissed Eddie, quietly as not to wake his parents. "What now"? Eddie asked as they pulled away. "I wouldn't be opposed to doing it" Richie laughs and smirks as Eddie gaps at him and slaps him. "Ow geez eds, if I know dating you would involve so much pain" he holds his arm. "Shut up" Eddie kisses him and gets up and goes to the extra bed he sleeps in when he sleeps over. "Goodnight" he says as he gets comfortable. "Night" Richie closes his eyes.
Their first attempt to kill IT was underway. The loser club made its way there. Richie kept close to Eddie and watched his back. Bevs hand shook as she clutched the sling shot. They walked close to each other. Making small jokes along the way to keep their minds off of what was coming.
They left 29 Neibolt street feeling unaccomplished and hurt, IT had disappeared in the sewers once more. And Ben left injured trying to protect Beverly who couldn't look more starstruck. Richie held Eddies hand as he walked him home. The whole gang walked home together. Dropping one off at a time. First was Ben. Bill and Stan helped him as they said goodbye. "Bye Ben!" They all waved "bye Ben, thank you" Bev smiled and he blushed. Next was Stan. He waved as he climbed his steps, bird book in hand. "Bye Stan"! They all waved. After that was Bev. She smiled....sad almost as she entered her home. They didn't yell out a goodbye, just waved. Like they knew. After Bev was Richie. They were still awkward with being close, while the others were around but since the events of today they didn't care. So Eddie let Richie kiss his cheek. "Bye" "bye" they skipped their usual see ya later alligator. "Bye" Mike and Bill waved. Eddie was next to be dropped off. "Bye" Mike and Bill waved. "Bye" Eddie waved as he got to the top of his steps. He entered his home to see his mother, "Eddie where have you been"?? She hugged him close to her chest. "Sorry mom" he sighed.
Eddie woke up the next morning and walked to the barrens as usual. His arm was a little more sore then usual. He shrugged it off and continued on. He entered to see only Bev. "Hey Bev" he smiled and sat ready to wait. "Hi Eddie" she smiled. "How are you"? He asked concerned for her from the other day. "Good I guess. Just overwhelmed" she shrugged. "Why?" He asked. "I'm just. I can't decide between two... Things and every time I try to be myself around them its comes out wrong, like a cry for help" she stumbles. Eddie smiles. "Everything will be fine Bev" "that reminds me, how's everything with Richie"? She asked. "Good I guess" he takes his words from Bev, she smiles.
The loser club sat in the barrens figuring out what to do next. Eddie sat comfortably in between riches legs as he sat on a log and Eddie sat on the ground. He shot a small smile to Bev as she looked up momentarily worried.

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