Two out of seven

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( the next part will be the groups thoughts on Eddie and Richie, then back to where the last part left off)

Richie could drive most people bugshit, and since bill had known him a while, he got to that point a lot. But Richie was one of his best friends. And Richie still had a somewhat charming quality about himself and his humor. Bill had plenty of opportunities to tell Richie that he wasn't all to great at voices or ventriloquism but he too busy being amused by his friend.

Beverly had lots of fun with her group of guy friends, but Richie could always make her laugh espically while trying to teach him the Lindy hop but also burst with anger or frustration. Bev always thought her boys, best friends, would go places. Although it was obvious that Richie wasn't the best at what he wanted to do, she always thought he'd go on to do so.

Mike thought Richie came on strong at their first meeting, as best he could during that rock fight, but he assumed that Richie came on strong to everyone he met and the people that turned out to be his best friends didn't mind that. Richie cared for humor as mike did for history or literature. So Mike held respect for the funny friend.

Stan the man Uris, as Richie had nicknamed him, was a fun target of echoes humor and sometimes it bothered him but he mostly brushed it off as just Richie. Stan found Richie to be a great friend, someone who would Stand by you.

Boy did Ben not know what to think of the confusion that is Richie when he first met him. Richie came off as rude and friendly at the same time. But as time flew by he figured out that he liked him. Richie was a complicated guy to deal with but an all around nice guy.

Eddie had known the guy for four years and had put up with his weirdly amusing presence knowing very well he didn't actually mind it. He spent a lot of time with Richie. Richie had even opened up to him one rainy afternoon in the little raftered room over his garage. Eddie realized he harbored feelings for the guy who never had trouble pinching his cheeks and telling Eddie he was cute...a lot. Eddie loved, actually loved the hilarious boy. Which was supposed to be frocked up but he didn't care. Eddie actually felt eleven, he wouldn't let anything mess that up.


Bill has been best friends with Eddie for a majority of his life. Eddie was really there for him when he had to deal with Georgie's death. The two of them were the first to start going to the barrens to build that damn. Eddie was kind but troubled with asthma and his mom, which Bill had always respected Eddie for dealing with that.~

Beverly was aware that Eddie wasn't particularly a big brave leader type but we'd feel safe in his care,just as she did with bill or Ben. Eddie always had great advice and she admired his tolerance for things like his mother. He was not weak, she thought.

Mike had a close bond with his friends and hung out with them constantly and cared for them all and saw how they all cared for each other, Eddie displayed that a lot. He felt Eddie could be misjudged as weak but Mike knew Eddie was pretty brave.

Stan felt Eddie could be mistaken for the weakest link in the group but he always believed it was himself. Eddie had proved to be a useful link that was vital for the losers club. Stan was aware of his Asthma problem but Eddie was good in spite of that.

Ben first met Bill and Eddie in the barrens the day he got an 'H' carved on his skin. He was left with Eddie while he was in the middle of a asthma attack, a stranger who he suddenly cared about. Eddie had that effect, someone who looked completely innocent but could be very scary.

Eds made Richie feel things an eleven year old boy doesn't even know about yet. Richie never had a problem picking on the boy and loved to pinch his cheeks and tell him how cute he was just to bother him. He'd come to love the sight of his eyes rolling, an Richie could make him do that a lot. When Eddie made his feelings for Richie visible, Richie couldn't help but return without a nervousness presence. Richie knew he came on strong and was aware his humor did aswell, but his friends loved it and Eddie loved it, and that's what really matters.
When the losers club was aware Richie and Eddie were a couple, it took some getting use to, but it gave them some serious hope. If a happy couple could keep being a happy couple during this dancing clown horror, they could too. Eddie and Richie always had some sort of chemistry between them, that was obvious but becoming more then friends was a big step. And the group was very supportive but they still held their glaring focus on that damned clown and were about to bare their own teeth on the creature. But Richie and Eddie also put other uses with their mouths to use...kissing nothing more though. They still had to focus aswell. Killing the clown. IT.

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