Lindy hopping in the hot sun

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Richie dragged Eddie out of the building, down to the barrens. Once they got there Eddie pulled out his aspirator to blast off. "Sorry for dragging you like that eds" Richie grabbed his hands. "S' fine " Eddie leaned on him, breathing loudly. "That was a lot to take in" Eddie sat down to catch his breath. Richie sat down next to him "sorry I didn't look before I kissed ya " he apologized " it's fine, it's just one person " Eddie kissed his cheek.

They were safe, at least for now. It seemed no one knew about them. Eddie and Richie sat in class working on their projects with their partners. "Alright I think I'm done" Stan showed Eddie his organized poster about Eddie himself. "Looks good, here's yours" Eddie showed Stan his. Stan smiled. " I like it".

Richie, Bill, Mike, Eddie, Stan, Ben, and bev walked to the barrens once more after school. " are any of you good at math"? Bev sighed, pulling out her math book, " come on hot stuff, the barrens is place for fun" richie sighed as well. "But neither of my parents will help" she pouted. Ben, wanted to help with her homework but he was no better at it then Bev was. " I'll help " Stan offered. He sat by her taking her book.

Bill sat down to tell the club a story as Bev worked with Stan to complete her homework. Richie let Eddie place his head on his lap, as he laid on a log. Bill told his story as they got quickly invested. He finished with a great ending. "That was great"Mike straightened his back. "Yeah big bill, you're gonna grow up and meet all the babes in Hollywood" Richie placed his glasses back on his face as Eddie rose from his lap. "Yeah, maybe some day" bill stands. Richie places his arm over eddies shoulders. He realizes that small gestures like this make Eddie feel comfortable. "I better go, I'm getting my cast off soon" Eddie gets up. Richie pulls his arm a little, just enough to lower Eddie enough to kiss him. Eddie stands up straight again and says goodbye. "I'll walk ya " bill follows Eddie, grabbing silver and walking it out with Eddie. Ben and Mike share a small look causing Richie to raise an eyebrow but before he can ask anything bev throws her book back in her bag "Done"! She smiles cheerfully. Ben looks at her, she didn't notice, and just smiles.

Eddie comes home with his mom, arm finally free, "go upstairs and rest" she says, mind somewhere else, Eddie sighs and heads upstairs. He watches his mom sit on the couch, staring at the wall, from the top of the stairs. He sighs himself.

Eddie walks home in the middle of the losers club from school the next day, the losers club were in mid conversation. Richie glances Eddie as he walked. Big steps, unusual for him. He was walking too fast, which was not only a little hard to keep up with but not good for his asthma. He kept his eyes on him as they walked. They sat down in bills house, thanks to his parents who really paid no attention. They all set up for monopoly. While bill set it up for the friends Richie pulled Eddie aside. "Is something wrong eds"? Richie rubbed his arm, as Eddie held it tight to his side. " I'm fine" he shrugged and looked up, not at him. " eds"? Richie pulled his arm. Eddie looked in his eyes and smiled, "I'm fine, trashmouth " Eddie laughed. Richie felt somewhat better. He led him back to the group.

Bill watched Richie and Eddie come back to the game to start. He could tell something was up. He'd ask Eddie about it later. Richie was actually really great at this game. "Come on this games too hard. You're cheating" Eddie complained. "Life's hard kid" he replied in a New York gangsters voice. The game ended with Richie beating out the club.

"My parents will be home s-soon" Bill stuttered a little bit, once in a while but nothing like before. "I'm starving" Stan said. "Bev can you cook"? Richie asked " just because I'm a girl"? She laughed a little. "Welll" Richie smiled. "I can make something little." She got up and made grilled cheese.

They ate up and talked. Bills parents came home with a weak hello. And they all gathered to leave. Bill waved them off, reminding himself to talk to Eddie tomorrow.

Richie walked into his home, "hey honey, how was bills"? His mom "fun" he smiled. He ate some more with his parents before heading to bed.

Richie walked Eddie to school the next bright warm morning. " morning eds" he smiled. Eddie gave a half smile and looked around to give him a kiss on the cheek. Richie bit his lip and followed Eddie to school.

And surprise surprise they headed to the barrens afterwards. Bev and Richie practiced the Lindy hop once more. Eddie smiled as he watched Richie dance with Bev. Bill sat down next to him. "Hey, something up"? Bill asked. Eddie pulled his eyes away from Richie "no, why"? Eddie asked. "You just seem out of it" "well, I'm just worried about what's to come for Richie and I, I mean we're not accepted by most people and we can't really be public about anything" Eddie sighed. Bill couldn't completely understand but he sort of did. " I'm sorry" Bill started "but at least. You have each other" "yeah" Eddie turned back to watch Richie dancing with Bev.

Richie and Eddie were left alone in the barrens. The sun was setting on the day. "Mmmm " Eddie hummed. "Huh"? Richie pulled him closer. " I love you" Eddie laughed, " I guess you're ok" Richie kissed him. " you suck" Eddie pushed his shoulder. " but you love me anyway" Richie pinched his cheeks. Eddie slapped his hands away and grabs his face and pulls him in. " I loves ya boy"! Richie lets Eddie climb Onto his lap.

Eddie was sleeping over once again. He climbed into bed with him. Usually he slept in the extra bed but Richie's mom finally got rid of that. Eddie always fell asleep quickly murming a quick goodnight and a peck on the cheek. Richie turned to face the sleeping boy, his raspy snoring is what reminded him that it was Eddie beside him, that was the most comforting sound. Was it keeping him up?yes. He cuddled closer to Eddie, and wondered what his mom would think when she woke them up.

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