Were the beginning of the End

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Richie calmly explained to his friends in the barrens what happened to them after they left. "A-a-are you g-guys ok"? Bill asked. "Yeah we're fine" Eddie sighed. "We're going to kill IT I'm sure of it" Mike said half smiling, half worriedly glancing around Richie patted eddies back. "I'm scared" Bev said playing with her hair. "It'll be fine, Bev" Ben smiled. "Yeah, yeah can someone walk me home"? Just as bill and Ben were about to offer Mike spoke up. "Sure, I'm going that way anyway" he smiled. Eddie got a kick out of that and shared a chuckle with Richie. "I-I'll see y-y-you l-later guys" bill left.
"Fuck"! Richies laugh became silent as he clapped. Eddie punched his shoulder. "Man" Eddie leaned on Richie, who pulled him closer. "Oh I loves ya boy"! Richie pulled Eddies face closer to his. "You know eds? Most people would hate that I'm constantly joking around and sarcastic" he started the sentence happily but ended it almost sadly. "I like that about you" Eddie laughed. Richie pulled Eddie up by his good arm. Eddie needed to refill his aspirator and Richie agreed to go with him.
They walked to the drug store together. They kept their space between them. After getting his medicine they walk to the barrens, quickly grabbing each other's hands when out of sight of the public. "Oh, Stan the man what's wrong"? Richie says as Stan runs into the them. "Henry and his gang" he breathed out. The three of them took off. "Was it just you down there"? Eddie asked Stan. "Yeah"! Stan attempts to keep running at eddies pace. "We'll beat the shit out of you"! Henry calls behind them. "You'd have to catch us first"! Richie shouted, laughing. As much as Eddie liked Richies personality he did need to learn when to shut up. Eddie speed up, he was a pretty fast runner.
They made it out alive "phew"! Stan held his chest. "W-w-what's wrong"? Bill walked up with silver. "Henry and his gang
*gasp* chasing us" Eddie answered. "Y-you alright e-e-Eddie"? Bill asked. "I'm *gasp* fine" Richie handed him the aspirator who Eddie gladly took, not caring about what mr. Keen said about it, and blasted it in his mouth.
Richie went home for dinner, Stan went home still scared. Eddie stayed to hang out with Bill. They worked on the dam as they talked. About IT. " W-w-We have a b-b-big c-chance to beat IT if we're all t-t-together, ITs scared too, I-I-IT has to be" Bill says continuing his work. "Yeah. As soon as we were all together it felt right" Eddie agreed. The two friends continued their work as the chilling thoughts of Derry fell over them. If they were going to beat IT they had to stay together no matter how scared they got. Eddie thought. Eddie had always trusted his best friend, and Bill needed to kill IT , for Georgie. "We're the beginning of the end" Eddie looked at his friend. Bill smiled and nodded back at him, and they finished what they started.
Eddie walked home near curfew alone. The leaper back on his mind, he'd stick by his friends. Well follow IT's smile, that disgusting, haunting smile. He continued up his steps and entered his home. "Eddie, I was worried. Come to the table for dinner" his mom smiled. But it wasn't the same, did he almost regret standing up to her in the hospital?

Richie came home to have dinner with his folks. He said his goodbyes to Bill and Stan and Eddie. After dinner he went to his room, thinking of the ware wolf incident with Bill. He needed to stop thinking about it so he read funny books for a while. He looked through his window and stood. He smiled and pushed his glasses up. They were going to do this, the seven of them.

Beverly sat in her room staring at the floor the blood from the bathroom still on her mind. Her dad sat downstairs on his chair after questioning her about where she had been. She walked to look outside. As long as she had the others, she could shoot the silver. She just had to.

Ben hated his living situation, nothing would change that. He enjoyed the library though. He thought about his first meeting with Bill and Eddie and traced the H shaped scar on his stomach. He was glad he met his friends...he couldn't go through this alone.

Stan looked through his bird book as he thought about how scared he really was about all of this, he continued readings is bird book, thanking God that he wasn't alone. And with Bill leading, he felt safe, at least safe enough.

Mike walked along Derry near curfew, he always took interest in the town...and the way it gave him chills. Maybe it was something in the air. He felt he was about to learn a lot more about this town then he had planned, and he'd do it with his friends.

Bill stared at Georgie's door as he leaned on his own doorway. He was glad he had his friends who understood how he felt. He thought about the picture moving and he closed his eyes and sighed. He was going to lead his friends to the end of IT.

Eddie met back up with Richie the next day. "Hey eds" Richie grabbed his hand, the two looked at each other contently. " hey" Eddie smiled and kissed his cheek. "We're going to do this...together " Eddie smiled again. Richie squeezed his hand.

~Sorry this is short, I'll post a long one soon ~

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