Feels like home

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Richie's mom, Maggie Tozier, was under a lot of stress at the moment. Now the school was back in session she thought a lot about her son and his grades. This summer he'd always been with his friends. She had no problems with the kids, in fact she adored them. Her husband, Wentworth, encouraged Richie to express his social life but was always strict about grades. Richie mostly brought over his friend Eddie. Wentworth thought he would be a really good influence like his other friend Stan. So he always liked when Richie asked to have Eddie over. Maggie went upstairs to wake them, she made the. Breakfast, she always liked cooking with Eddie over,he was polite and loved her cooking, Richie was a messy eater but she loved her son. He made her laugh.

Maggie opened the door to see her son cuddled closely to Eddie, smiling in his sleep, they both were. She swallowed and raised her eyebrow. She'd pretend this didn't happen. She woke the boys and left.

Richie sat up after being woken by his mom, Eddie sat up next to him. "Too tired" Richie fell back down. Eddie smiled. "Get up" he shook his head. Richie looked Eddie up and down, his hair was a mess, and he still looked tired, rubbing his eyes. "I could get use to seeing you in the morning" he smirked. Eddie rolled his eyes. "On second thought, you stay and I'll leave" he jumped from the bed. Richie quickly jumps behind him.

Richie is greeted with an awkward stare from his mom as they sit down. She shakes her head "I'm sorry I can't make breakfast this morning, I'm late" she jumps from her seat, his dad looks at her questioningly. "I'm having breakfast with sharpey" she almost runs out. "Well I've got to get to work, sorry kids maybe there's something in the fridge" his dad pats Richie's back. "That's ok mr. Tozier" Eddie smiles. "Yeah it's fine dad" Richie sighed as his dad left. "Weird" he looked at Eddie. "What"? "My mom, she's acting pretty weird" Richie sat up. "Maybe all the Toziers are weird like you after all"? Eddie chuckled. "Shut up" Richie smacked his shoulder.

Richie and Eddie had the house to themselves. Eddie was on top of Richie on his couch. Richie placed his hand on the back of eddies head and pushed him closer. " Richie"? Eddie asked quietly. "Yeah"? " what's gonna happen to us"? He swallowed as Richie sat up, Eddie still on his lap. "I don't know eds, I really don't" he murmured. Eddie blinked. They stared at each other for what felt like forever. Forever in a tiny moment. "Do you think we'll still be together-" "Eddie, I really can't answer, I hope we'll be together but I can't surely say that we will be" Richie rubs his arm. Eddie pulls away a little. "You're not mad are ya"? Richie moves closer. "No. I understand you can't say we'll be together. I'm just upset" he sighs. Richie cuddles next to him, trying to make him laugh with his voices for the next hour or so.

After a long work day Wentworth came home, Eddie was still here, he wasn't surprised. He shrugged to himself " I'm home" he shouted. He patted Richie's head as he passed the couch. "Hello Eddie" he sat down in his chair. "Hi mr. Tozier. I've got to go, my mom wants me home for dinner" eddie got up. "Alright, well maybe we'll see you soon" Richie's father waved. Richie walked Eddie outside onto the porch. "See ya later alligator " Eddie smiles. It was good to see him smiling. " after a while crocodile" Richie looks around and kisses his cheek.

"Your parents like me"? Eddie smiled at Richie from across his bed "yeah I think they really do" Richie pulled eddies arms toward him. "Good so if we-" "we're not telling them" Richie cut off the laughing eddie. Eddie leaned down to kiss him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2015 ⏰

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