The losers club

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Eddie bites his lip and looks at Richie, the two decided to keep their relationship to themselves. As the crazy events of the summer developed so did their relationship. Richie recounted the werewolf event to Eddie as they tried to develop a plan. "What are we gonna do Richie"? He sighed. " I don't know Eds" he brought eddies face close to his " come here big boy" he says in a feminine voice causing Eddie to laugh before going in for a kiss.
Eddie wanted to do the smoke hole ceremony. The others worried about his asthma but Eddie wanted to do it. The smoke Hole ceremony turned into a declarence of the groups love for Bev. Richie couldn't help but think Eddie was adorable as he told Bev that he loved her. And of course Richie told Mrs. scawlett he loved her!
When Richie came out from the smoke hole ceremony, he threw up after being told he threw up. Eddie sat down next to him as he and mike recounted their vision. Eddie asking If they could beat IT broke Richies heart. And he's pretty sure everyone winced at that question that no answered. They all got up to go home. Ben walked with Richie and Eddie until his block. As Ben left Richie took eddies hand as it was near curfew so no one was around. "How ya feel"? Eddie asks "good, you"? "Never been better?" Eddie squeezes his hand. The two walk home silently.
A few days had passed and the gang became aware Eddie had broken his arm. They weren't allowed to visit due to orders barked by eddies mom but they came back later. None of them looked even slightly happy. After talking about the silver balls, and Bev to shoot them, they all signed his cast, as a contract, Eddie thought, the closest they'll get to one.
Eddie came to the barrens after leaving the hospital, much to his mothers displeasure. Richie sat with mike on his right, bill to his left and Bev and Stan across. "Hey" he said taking a seat by Beverly. "How's your arm"? Mike asked. "Good, better " he answered "how's your mom"? Richie asked "since I stood up to her in the hospital she's been quiet about me leaving to go outside " he shrugged "w-w-well t--that's good" "yeah I guess so"
Later on Eddie had a small asthma attack which stopped when Richie threw him his aspirator which had fallen from his pocket. After he calmed down, mike told them old stories about Derry. Richie sat close to Eddie. Richie and Eddie, last to leave, sat in the barrens alone. "You scared me eds" Richie chuckled. "How? And don't call me eds" "when we got word you were in the hospital" he slapped eddies back. In the four years Eddie had know Richie this was the most he'd seen him being serious "well I'm okay" he kissed Richies cheek.
Richie walked down to the barrens to awkward stares from mike, Bev, big bill, haystack, Stan and a worried one from Eddie. "What's this"? He laughed. Bev smiled brightly "are you and Eddie a thing"??? She asked. Richie panicked for a second he looked at Eddie who looked ready to burst. "Why you asking, sad that you and I aren't a thing"? He chuckles. Ignoring his comment Bev began again "it's just the way you act, and have been lately. I always assumed you liked Eddie by the way you treat him" Bev giggled. " we don't care if your gay" mike pitches in. Eddie suddenly began gasping for air so he blasted his aspirator. "Y-you a-a--alright Eddie"? Bill asked his best friend. "Yeah fine" he shook his head. "Soooooo" Bev held on to the one of the few things that made her happy this summer. "Yeah, alright we are" he pushed his glasses up.
The rest of the day, they planned. Richie sat closer to Eddie then he would've before. The gang left just the two of them."well now they know" Eddie smiled "yup" Richie reached out to pull Eddie closer. Just in time to face IT waving his glove covered hand. "Hello girly boy, I always knew you were queer" he laughed that weird laugh. Eddie grabbed Richie by the hand and they fled, not caring who saw their clutched hands. They ran until they were out of breath. "Eds, calm down here" He gave him his aspirator and he calmed down " don't *gasp* call me *gasp* that" he laughed. They started their way home. They got to his porch as Richie turned to Eddie he said " you know eds I think I love you, " he smiles "I love you too" Eddie kisses him softly. "See ha later alligator " he shouts to Richie as he leaves "after a while crocodile " he laughs and heads home.

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