Winning Monopoly

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The fact of the matter wasn't even that they were scared, terrified was more like it. All of them were, no exceptions. Richie invited Eddie to stay overnight like usual. " ha! I win"! Richie smiles after Winning monopoly " you cheat"! Eddie attempts to defend how he played. "Or maybe you're just no good at this game" Richie laughs. " whatever" Eddie attempts to seem mad but smiles a little. "Yeah whatever" Richie stands up and walks over to his bed. The two feel a sudden chill but neither say anything. Eddie follows Richie to his bed. " something's bothering me, I feel unwelcomed" Eddie sighs. "you know eds, you'll always be welcome in my bed" Richie laughs. "Beep beep Richie" Eddie punches him. "Geez eds" he chuckles "don't call me eds" Eddie eyes him. "You suck" Eddie shakes his head. "You know, you could suck something too"-"don't even finish" Eddie interrupts Richie, who's laughing up a storm. "Sorry sorry" he continues to laugh much to eddies glare. "You think you're so funny" Eddie mocks. " I am so funny" Richie kisses Eddie and brings him closer. "Mmmm" Eddie mumbles. Richie breaks it off. " Richie!" His mother yells from downstairs "what"! He sighs. " a Beverly marsh is here" she answers "let her up"!
Beverly makes her way up the steps to Richies room, "hey" she smiles shyly as she realizes Eddie was here, on his bed. She giggled. "What"? Richie smirked. "Dirty minded" he laughs. Eddie rolled his eyes a the two laughed. "Sorry, I just came to ask if you wanted to see a movie"? She smiled at the two of them. " yeah, sure" Richie got up. "Actually I can't I've got to go my aunts" Eddie sighed. He hadn't mentioned that before. "Have fun" he smiled as he left.

Richie and Bev headed to the barrens after the movie, greeted by the usual sight, the others talking minus Eddie, who must still be at his aunts, thought Richie.

After a while of plotting and talking Eddie walks into the barrens. "Hey eds" Richie says first to greet the boy. Eddie rolls his eyes but smiles. He says hello to the others and sits next to bill and Richie. " how was your aunts"? He laughs. Eddie had been rolling his eyes a lot more lately, starting from when he began his relationship with Richie, so he again did just that and sighed "awful, they are always telling me how cute I got" he sighs. "That's because you are, eds" Richie laughs and pulls his good hand to give him a kiss on the cheek. The gang faked disgust but secretly took joy in the one happy thing going on. Eddie leant into him as they continue to talk. Richie kissed his head.

Richie walked Eddie home very close to curfew surly the two would be scolded for that again later. They gripped hands like always. " you know, we're really making the others happier" Eddie smiles at Richie. "Yeah, I'm glad" Richie pulled Eddie closer to him.

Richie and Eddie, both being inexperienced, never really did more then kiss. They never planned to in the near future either as they were only eleven. But they kissed, a lot. Enough to get caught a lot, today it was Bill who accidentally walked in on the two in the middle of a kiss. " s-s-s-sorry " he backed away slowly. "S' fine" Eddie pulled away, slightly embarrassed. Richie chuckled to himself at Eddies embarrassment. " h-h-hey Eddie your arm any b-b-better"? Bill asked. Eddie looks at his cast sadly. "Yeah, doesn't hurt, the cast is just annoying." He sighs and Richie pokes him. Eddie nods at his impatient date. "We're going to a movie" Eddie smiled at his best friend. "E-e-enjoy that" he waved as the two left.

Richie enjoyed taking Eddie to movies, he got to watch a movie, be with Eddie, and Eddie payed...he never let him pay. Plus it took their minds off of what was going on. But today was an unlucky day. Henry and his gang happened to be here. "We should leave" Eddie tried to pull Richies arm to leave. Richie looked at the gang, knowing they couldn't see him. He swallowed down his urge to dump his pop on them like last time.

Later on bill, Stan, Richie Mike, and Eddie were walking together, bill with silver, when Ben and Bev ran to them, talking in a hurried fashion about Henry going insane "shut! You mean he use to be sane"?! Richie joked. They decided to go to the barrens anyway, after all it was there land. They all agreed, last was Eddie. "I don't think so Eddie, you know your arms not looking so cool" Richie said concerned for him. Bill said he wanted Eddie to come and offered for Eddie to walk with him. Richie raised a eyebrow but walked toward.

They'd been walking and thinking to themselves for a while, feeling watched when a rock flew from the bushes and struck Mike on the side of his head, blood could be seen as Mike caught him. "Teach you to throw rocks"! Two more flew hitting Stan and just missing Bev as she side stepped away. Bill felt like he knew where to go, the drain at the pumping station. "It's w-w-where s-s-suppose to go" he said following Ben as he lead. Richie gave Eddie an uneasy look, speeding up to grab his hand. Richie didn't like the idea of going into the drain. But he knew they had to. He wrapped his arm around Eddie waist. It was hard to do all this, especially with eddies broken arm and mikes injured head. But they walked after throwing wood at Henry, thanks to Mike, it slowed him down. The walk seemed to take forever. Richie kept a close grip on Eddie for the whole time.

Mike and Stan watched as Eddie and Ben fell down and toppled on to each other after Eddie fell and Ben went to catch him.mike helped Eddie up, who hissed in pain. "I'm fine, Ben"? He asked. "Fine" Ben stood. The group continued on in bens direction. Richie headed back to grab Eddies hand. "You okay eds"? He looked down at him "fine" Eddie looked forward. Richie brought Eddie closer to him, they slowed down a bit." I love you, you know that right"? Richie looks at him ." Yeah, I love you too" Eddie pulls him in for a kiss. They eventually pull apart and keep walking. Richie tightens his grip on Eddies hand.

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