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Hallelujah music video repeat count: 87 (since I started counting. It's probably closer to 100 something. I have no life and a lot of drawing and music time during the summer)

All I'm saying is, this is one of my favorite Panic! videos. This Is Gospel is definitely my favorite video, but this one just shows Brendon being so carefree and outgoing and just... Happy. He's happy to be there and he's happy to be doing what he's doing. Everyone loves the Girls/Girls/Boys video (for quite obvious reasons) but he just seems so... Uncomfortable in that video. In the Hallelujah video you get to see him jumping around and dancing and just letting all of his energy out and it's adorable. Plus, it's a very symbolistic video (like most of their videos) so it gets you thinking. I love being able to interpret videos and songs how I'd like, I don't honestly like when things are blunt with their reasons. 

Go ahead and leave your thoughts and opinions in the comments. Even if you don't know this amazing band and everything, go ahead and give the song a listen and watch the video. If you've already seen it then watch it again. It's worth it. I don't care that it's so obviously green screened, I want to see what you guys think everything means. Yeah. I'm one of those nerds.

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