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Okay guys, I've got some stuff to talk about and it's pretty important I've noticed people commenting on MCAM about wanting me to update and losing interest and that I need to update or they'll stop reading. Someone gave me one week to either put out like five new chapters or a huge chapter, and I don't think they understood what a weight that puts on me. I love you guys a lot, and I want the best for all of you, but sometimes I just can't write. My hiatus has been longer than expected, but this is my first hiatus in two years. Yup, I've been here about two years. I've been writing on here for two years. That's about 1000 followers a year! :D thanks guys for almost 2K followers by the way!
I've been having serious difficulties writing MCAM simply because I have no inspiration and no ideas as to how I should continue. I might have lied and said I had a lot of ideas, those are out the window. I've been having a weird time lately and honestly, I haven't watched the old TC or Jordan in a while. I've been watching Cib, HwnT, some vloggers, and a few other gamers. It's honestly just hard for me to write and I don't want to put out more content I'm not proud of. At this point, no matter what I do, people will lose interest. I'm honestly at a crossroads here and I don't know where to go. Everywhere I go I get stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Threatening to stop reading at this point isn't helping, and I'm a bit fed up with it. I try my hardest to write for you guys and get you guys the best reading material I can put out for you to enjoy, but I can't for MCAM and I wish everyone would respect that. I'm exhausted, I'm worried, and I don't know what to do. I love you guys so much but I can't do anything about this, I'm sorry. School has been too much, and I just wish I had never promised a sequel in the first place... I'm sorry...

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