20 facts about me!

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Okay so uh, I got tagged by Mia_Brotato to do the 20 facts about me challenge thing. I'm gonna tag LeafyHughes , i_am_whelmed , Yassen8 , Rainydaynerd , theauthorforlife3 , captainhippo_647 , and anyone else who would like to do it. (Not sure if these people have already done it XD)

1. My full name is Kaitlin

2. I live in Georgia, USE ('MURICAAAAA!!!)

3. My favorite food is pizza :D

4. My favorite color is blue.

5. My HAIR is blue...

6. I'm currently in the eighth grade.

7. My birthday is March 26, and I turn 14 this year

8. My favorite shows include Supernatural, Doctor Who, Sherlock, some crime shows, and I recently started Agents of SHIELD.

9. I have a cat named Boo

10. I'm about a thousand times more popular on the internet than in real life

11. I have a YouTube channel called TheWolfyGaming where I post Minecraft videos and hopefully soon some vlogs.

12. I'm partnered with MEE (Media Entertainment Enterprise) on YouTube.

13. I'm writing about 15 books at once at all times, only a couple of which are actually put on here.

14. I've met one internet friend so far, but I'm meeting another today. I met LeafyHughes twice, and today I will be meeting dorithedirectioner . :)

15. I once wrote a letter to the President telling him to make a law against those claw games where you try to pick up the stuffed animals because I had just been to Steak N Shake and lost on one.

16. I'm running out of things to say

17. Last year I met someone at my school that had read MITM, that was pretty amazing.

18. My favorite youtuber is CibSeption, actually followed by Danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil.

19. I love British and Australian accents. *u*

20. Ily guys <3

Hope you enjoyed that... Thing. So yeah! Anyone really can do this but I'm forcing the people I tagged to do it >:) later guys! BUH BYEEEE!

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