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Okay so the MAX concert was today and I'll be completely honest, this is my fourth concert I've been to, and it was my favorite. It was the cheapest, too. I've been to Panic! At The Disco, Fall Out Boy, and All Time Low feat Sleeping With Sirens, and this was the best experience I've ever had at a concert. Max is so sweet and so amazing and the opening acts were amazing

I got to meet Max at the end and he was so freaking adorable, even if he was on vocal rest. He couldn't talk but he gave everyone a big hug and smiled and he was so cute oh my god he's adorable and he's such an amazing performer on stage, he's so talented and I'm so glad I got to meet him. (He smelled p good too I won't lie) and he gives amazing hugs and he's not afraid to hold you close and be friendly around you in pictures he just slings his arm around you and pulls you towards him and its absolutely adorable im just- oh my god. I don't think I can say enough about how amazing he is it'll never do him justice. Ever. He was just so sweet oh my god and he was sweaty of course but he still smelled like Old Spice and it was oddly comforting?? And the way he would hold you super close to him when you hugged or when you were just next to him to take a picture was really comforting too it just felt really safe and it was so cute and I literally can't think right now. He winked at everyone too and okay so what are you supposed to do when an attractive man with pink toenails winks at you there needs to be a class on how to react because I just sputtered like an idiot and tried not to faint

And the first opening act, Call Me Karizma, oh my gOd. Oh my god. I screamed a lot during his set im so surprised I can talk rn. But really, his hair was actually the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life. I'll be completely honest when I say I don't like rap music so I'm not itching to buy his music, but just him as a person is absolutely great. He was cute, sweet, funny, and he likes MCR. All you'll ever need in a guy tbh. And when we went outside to meet him I handed him my phone to sign and he looked at me and got all excited and said, "wait, I get to sign this??" And we made small talk about phones while he was signing it and then he turned around and looked at my mom and he asked if she was my mom then said she was amazing and gave her a big hug and I'm so-
Help me please. And every time someone walked up to him he's smile and say, "hey, beautiful" and okay literally it gives me issues I need some serious help rn im never getting to sleep tonight I swear.

UPDATE: it's been a couple weeks. The photo attached (I hope it's attached. That would be super embarrassing) has den my lock screen ever since. I literally think about this day every day and it's becoming an issue bc I know like two people that like MAX and I don't talk to either of them regularly, I met one of them while wearing the tour shirt a couple days after the concert. Someone at my brother's work mistook Max for my boyfriend. I'm not complaining. Being a huge fan of a Nickelodeon actor really takes a toll on you.
Max said he's releasing new music soon, so I'm really pumped, because he literally just released a new EP and this is really exciting oh my god wow I love MAX

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