Mini update thing

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Hey guys, what's up? It's me Wolfy here! I'm giving you guys a little update. This includes information on MCAM, some information I've been terrified to tell you guys.

Okay, so first of all I hope you guys are having a great year so far. I hope you had a great time over the holidays and I hope you ate a lot and are really happy. That's what important to me, you guys being happy. (Can you guys tell I'm being a serious suck up? But really, it is true. I care about you guys a ton.)

I'm heading back to school after the two week break now, I'm freaking terrified. *Tenth Doctor voice* I DONT WANT TO GO. I made a new account yesterday on here, PanicAtTheImpala. That's where I'll put my fanfictions that aren't YouTube related, and don't worry. I won't let it get in the way of my writing on here.

Let's get to what you all are here for then... *deep breath* honestly I'm not sure if I can continue MCAM. The hiatus has been on for a few months now and I've deleted half of the chapter I was posting next. I'm not liking it. I'll keep it up, but for now, it's best not to expect updates. I've tried everything, I've been watching everyone on YouTube again, I've been getting on MC again, I've been recording to get in the mood. I've tried so hard. I've sat down and written and written, only to hate it and delete it. I know I'll get a lot of hate for this, but it's officially on a complete, serious hiatus until further notice. I'm sorry guys </3 thank you for reading. :) love y'all!

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