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Felix_deepsunshine  i honestly didnt know how to write ceo, but i tried

little felix

caregiver hyunjin

hyunjin was awake, laying in bed stroking felix hair as he laid on his chest.

he would love to be able to spend the day in bed with the younger, holding him. although the sudden loud ringing.

he groaned rolling over to shut off the phone. he slowly sat up trying not to move the boy much. he sighed rubbing his eyes taking a look around, seeing all the toys and clothes all over the ground, remining him all of what happened the other day.

a light smile appeared on his face and look down to his baby.

"baby? hey its time to wake up baby.." felix whined at put his hands on hyunjins stomach.

"noo.." hyunjin giggled at the boy lifting him up to sit on his lap were the boy just slumped over him.

"hey dont do that, you need to get up and get ready for school" felix, finally opening his eyes looked at him with a pout.

"i dont wanna go to class.." hyunjin frowned, surprised the boy ddint want to go, he usually was always the first to wake up really to go

"hm? why not bubs? dont you want to see your friends?" felix just shook his head and leaned back on his shoulder

not getting a little concered, placed the boy down looking at him with worried eyes.

"can you tell me why not?" felix open his eyes

"wanna go to work with you.." hyunjin smiled

"bubs.. i cant being you to work with me.. i have a big project i have to prepare for."

he little pouted, crossing his arms looking away.

"aww dont be like that baby.."felix just stood up

"lixie be good.. i don wan' go to school.. everyone make fun  of lixie.." 

hyunjin then realized, the boy never liked going to school when he slipped, he always got to nervous and people made fun of the way the boy talked or acted.

it wasnt much a surprise that lix had woken up little, but he didnt want to send the boy somewhere he would be uncomfortable

"ill take you to work bubs but you wont be able to go and walk around.. i need to make sure your safe and ill be busy, you can bring a few toys to keep you entertained though."

felix eyes widned in happiness and jumped in his arms

"yayy lixie go to work!"

hyunjin smiled and kissed the boys head

"why dont you go get dressed, ill make breakfast for you." felix quickly went into his wardrobe, finding soemthign cute but comfortable.

meanwhile hyunjin went downstairs to prepare something for the boy.

wanting to surprise the boy, he made toast with a cut out to make a heart design with cute shaped eggs, and a side of fruit with a bunny pick.

hyunjin plated everything and placed it on the table waiting for the boy.

after a minute, lix came jumping down the stairs with a long blue stripped shirt with matching shorts and socks that just reached under his knees.

"cute?" the boy mumbled shyly coming up to hyunjin.

"your so adorable i might burst." felix giggled looking at the food

"are you ready to eat?" felix smiled nodding

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