3, Scar

172 7 19

Scar POV

Today was good I met the new kid Grian! He was nice and a frien- wait what am I saying! I shake my head a bit mumbling "I really should get ready.."

I sigh grabbing out my 'hero costume'... I'm really just some kid who's good at fighting and shooting but it's fine.. With my status I'm suprised I go to school, like gosh you kinda own me why am I going to school? I shake my head getting rid of the thoughts as I place down my suit.

It was made with a durable black skin tight material, with a bit of mesh in some places. In the front is two parallelograms that connect sides in a slant. One side was blue while the other is orange. Then his visor which is orange and blue as well, a built in com for his computer man cub. Across the back is a bright bow and quiver the colors of orange and blue covering them. Then a few knifes and other weapons in various spots.

To be honest he got his name for a reason, he looked really good with it on. But his big scar birthmark has to be shone 'it helps your image'. It's annoying and I hate it, but I don't look at hotguy like he's me, he is the perfect hero. I sigh ignoring my thoughts as I change into my outfit.

After I'm done I hook up to cub and chat as I go to the roofs, sitting on one as I patrol the city. "So cub anything interesting?" I ask. "No just the normal day.. But a figure with wings flying has been seen watch out, HG." Honestly cub was nice but, even if there is a new vigilante it would just mean help for him. Like he is 18 he can't do paper work.

I yawn as my legs swing starring at the stars as they twinkle. I trace one of my scars as I hum a small tune as Cub keeps a look out. Suddenly I hear a rustle of wings. 'God I never actually planed for this he's probably a vigilante, act cool your perfect hotguy.'

I lean back so I see the figure upside down. "Hey!!! I heard of you are you a vigilante or villain?!" I say as enthusiastic as possible. "Oh me yeah new vigilante wouldn't mind a sidekick would ya???" The figure says there voice low. 'Omg the voiceee!!' I internalize smiling wide. "Ohhh!!! You seem cool your outfit is made off mine I see? Are you Cuteguy or something?!?" I giggle. 'Okay I can't say though my name is Scar..' Anyways he stood there staring at me as if I was dum. "What?!?" I say indignant. "Nothing just whatever." The newly dubbed 'Cuteguy' says.

I could see them a bit better now, they had white and pink wings and outfit with a heart logo similar to mine but rounded. He has some makeup around his eyes and a nice outfit. Along with a few weapons on his belt.

I look over him scanning him my eyes scanning their figure. "Checking me out, hotguy?~" 'Cuteguy' says. I blush then say in my persona of course. "Anything wrong with that darling~?" I smirk trying to keep on my facade. 'Cuteguy' freezes up a a bit but soon regains control, mumbling. "Knew it." They then flew off fast there fast wasn't able to be seen... 'I didn't see if they blushed' I pout.

I continue my patrol but end early because I was tired and school... I sigh changing into some pjs, going into my bathroom.. I stare at my 'birthmark' I sigh touching the boarder of the actual scars and the birthmark...

Yas instead of Grian agnst here is Scars thank me. I always wished for this...TvT

- Ezy : A/N

Memories~ |A Scarian Fanfic With Lifesmp References+Highschool+Superhero's AU|Where stories live. Discover now