5, Scar

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Scar POV

As usual I wake up to my blaring alarm beside me and hit it with my hand. Of course I'm up and moving changing into school clothes. I got to the bathroom staring at my birthmarks as I Contemplate life. While I was staring I suddenly got a head ache I hear faint explosion, and ringing as I hear my name being screamed. I hold my head groaning at the pressure. "Fuck."

Okay so an hour later I'm in bed my head pounding as I hear slight ringing. 'What the fuck was that and who was screaming my name?!?' I question as I lay in bed the head ache starting to go away. "Ugg maybe I should get therapy I might actually be going insane..." I stay silent thinking about the voice I heard scream my name... it sounded like Grian but was it from a dream or what... I ponder the possibility's as I lay there arms and legs splayed. "Gosh I'm over thinking this it was probably just part of a dream." 'It was not and I know this, but maybe I'm just going crazy.' I sigh getting out of bed. "I shouldn't skip school cause of this..." I mumble.

"Wait... OMG its 9:14???????" I spring up staring at my clock. "OMG IM SO LATE!!!!!!" I scream quickly getting ready and running out the door quickly getting to school as I use my strength to run. I arrive and have to go to my next class cause I missed out on my first.

I run to the art room making it there as fast as I can. I enter smiling a bit embarrassed as I enter. "Hey umm.. Ms.Ivy I got a migraine this morning sorry I was late..."I mumble going to the teacher. "It's okay Scar just take your time." She smiled. "Thanks!"I say bouncing happily to my seat beside Grian. "Hey! Sorry I wasn't here got a migraine..." Scar says apologetically to Grian as he slides into his seat. "It's fine I was just a bit worried" the Avian responds.

"So we're continuing our painting.." Scar says getting his. "Yup, I'm doing a logo I saw from a play I think it was called the 'Evolution smp' or 'Evo' I think?" The shorter shrugs. "Oh cool I'm doing a animal train thing I always wanted to do!" I exclaim! "Like a circus for clowns?" Grian asks. I take a dramatic gasp "no don't mix me in with those monsters!!! This is a zoo train there are no clowns or circuses!!!" I complain.

"Oh..." Grian responds...
Did you get all the references I bet you didn't. Also comment on all the references you find and point them out it would be fun! Take note for future chapters!!!

-Ezy : A/N

Memories~ |A Scarian Fanfic With Lifesmp References+Highschool+Superhero's AU|Where stories live. Discover now