31, Scar

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Scar POV

"Gosh Cub have you finished upgrading my gear!" I ask while I lounge on a chair belly flat. "Yes I just needed to reinforce against bullets but make it light and still skin tight. So I did the best I could you can get used to it." Cub says handing my my slightly darker suit. "Ohhh! Thanks Cub I'm going to go out for patrol you know! I'll talk when I get there!" I say running to the changing room. I can hear Cub sigh and call to me 'be careful!'. I quickly change and get my radio on and prepared, 'it is a bit new since Cuteguy took my other one but it's fine I guess he can use it so I can have a radio to each other now.' I shake my head and finish changing exiting out of the building afterwards and racing to the usual meet up even if I'm really early.

I sit on the ledge over looking the sunset as it slowly goes down. 'It's only 6:50 so it's gonna be a while.' I sigh and stare my thoughts trailing off. 'I wonder if Cuteguy will take my purring to advantage, what if he finds out I am particularly awake, and kin-." My thoughts get cut off by the bat of wings and heels hitting concrete. "Heyyyyy, Cuteguy~!" I say making my head go upside down. "Hi, Hotguy now should we stick together since I'm targeted or no?" Cuteguy says walking up to me. "Oh, well I think we should stick together!" I say putting a hand on my chest dramatically. "Whatever also I didn't give you your earpiece back." Cuteguy says holding out the small thing.

"Oh I got a new one from you know who, you can keep it so we can communicate, it's set up to with this one only and not you know who!" I say exactly like how Cub told me to. 'Nice work me!' Then Cuteguy nods putting it in his ear carefully and turning it on. I tap my ear and say "Hellllo Cuttie~!" Then tap my ear again. Cuteguy looks at me deadpan and then taps his radio and says "Don't call me that Hottie~." An evil smirk on his face as he taps the radio. I feel my face heat up but I ignore it and keep my persona up. "You really wanna go their Cuttie~?" I say a standing up and bending down to his level grabbing his chin.

"Hmm well let's go on patrol." Cuteguys says pulling away and turning to their usual patrol route. I pout and say "Atleast tell me I looked Hot."
Okay I just had to do that like Omg but still anyway I may or may not write the next chapter right now.

-Ezy : A/N

Memories~ |A Scarian Fanfic With Lifesmp References+Highschool+Superhero's AU|Where stories live. Discover now