Chapter 6.

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At that thought, I hear a light knock on the door, and spin around in a hurry. A face filled with sorrow stands in front of me.

"Hi, I just wanted to say..." She looks down at the clothes in my hand. "What are you doing?"


"What? Why?"

"Look, thanks for the opportunity and everything, but this was a mistake."

"A mistake how?" She asks, walking into the room. "Don't you like it here?"

"It's not that I don't like it... I just don't fit."

"You seemed fine at dinner." She eyes me with a suspicious glare.

"Yeah, well things change."

"Did my mom say something to you?" My silence causes her to continue. "She did, didn't she? What did she say?"

"Look, it really doesn't matter. I don't need a home. I've survived out there long enough, I can do it some more."

"What did she say to you, Theo?" She repeats more loudly.

"She just said that... I'm not welcome here. And that I'm here for something. From you."

"Is she kidding me?" Her voice reaches a higher octave, before she storms out the room. I follow behind her as she races down the stairs and we eventually find ourselves all back at the kitchen again.

"Mom, what the hell is wrong with you?" Her voice echoes through the room.

"Who the hell do you think you're talking to?" Her mom questions as she lowers her mug from her lips.

"What gives you the right to tell him he's not welcome here and that he should leave?"

"Um, I didn't say that. Did you tell her I said that?" She asks, turning to me.

"No, I said-"

"I said that he wants something from you. And that he's not welcome here," that voice chimes in, the words sending fury through my body one more time.

"But he is welcome here," Eliza states, and I can feel the struggle in her voice to be composed.

"Not by me. And in the long scheme, whose opinion do you think really matters here?"

"Look, I think I'm just going to go." I look down at the dirty clothes still in my hands, and shift them around to stop them from falling, before I turn on my heels to walk away.

"No, you're not going anywhere Theo," Eliza's voice pounds into my ears as she touches my shoulder.

"Uh, yes, he is. Do you really think this is your decision to make? As if it wasn't enough that you brought a stranger into my house without my knowledge or consent, but now you want to disrespect me by telling him to stay when I clearly have a problem with it?"

"Because your problem is not valid, mom. His situation outweighs any concerns you have with this-"

"And whose name is on the lease, Eliza? Yours or mine? This is my house and I decide who lives here, not you."

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