Want more of Scarred?

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So, it's been literally too long since I've spent some time on Wattpad. I've been so busy throughout the year with uni -__- and then this summer, I got right down to writing the next book in the sequel to Scarred.

Now, I don't mean to toot my own horn, but I think it is a very good story indeed.

So, I'd just like to thank everybody that took any time of their life to read at least one chapter of this story that I love very much (Scarred).

The constructive criticism and feedback has been dually noted and gracefully appreciated, and I hope it only gets more viewers.

Now, for those of you that loved Scarred and were anticipating a second part, wait no longer and look no further because it is about to be coming your way.

It's called Blight, and it will be featuring a whole lot more of Theo, especially Theo, in fact. He is the star of the entire series.

I've worked all summer on this (I worked on this before summer, but due to my busy schedule I had to put it on hold until summer returned) and I can assure you it is definitely more tear-jerking and emotional than the first one. I also like it so much more than the first one, simply because now the characters have been introduced and the storyline has been unfolded, so you guys now sort of have a glimpse as to what my point is with this series.

However, you don't know everything about where I'm going with this. There will be a final book to conclude the sequel, that will be coming soon soon soon and I do think you will be surprised by the events that occur. That said, I think many of you will appreciate it especially when you see what I am trying to do here.

So without further ado, please tune into my new story Blight. I will be posting the first chapter now and the rest will soon follow. Hope you all enjoy and just like with Scarred. I welcome feedback and constructive criticism.

Happy reading! xx

ScarredDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora