Chapter 24.

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"Mom, what happened?" I question, as the red-filled floor of the kitchen embraces my eyes.

"I poured myself a glass of wine. And it just... Broke."

"Why are you drinking wine, mom? And where have you been all this time?" I ask, as I grab the broom at the side of the fridge.

"I was a little thirsty."

"So you decided to drink wine? You don't even drink wine."

"Well, today I decided to drink wine," she nonchalantly concedes, leading me to believe the sour tone parading from her mouth is down to her completely unnecessary and uncalled alcohol consumption.

"Okay, and now your next answer? Where have you been for the past few hours? Because I know you weren't at work."

"I decided to go visit a friend."

"What friend?"

"What's with the twenty-one questions? I think you're forgetting the roles in the family here."

"No, I remember perfectly well. But you're just going to drink yourself into a drunk state, and then you won't be able to go to work later."

"Okay, well then I won't drink," she sighs, plopping herself on the seat properly. "Where's the-uh, Theo?"

"Wow, you remember his name for once," I laugh. "He's upstairs."

"Cooper not here?"

"No, we uh... We broke up."

"What?" She exclaims louder than her former tone. I grab two cloths from one of the drawers and place them on the floor to cover the mahogany stain. "What happened?"

"He broke up with me."


"It doesn't matter."

"No. Eliza, why? Did he give you a reason?" She persists.

"Yeah, but it's not nice."

"Well, what-- What is it?"

"Why do you want to know so badly?"

"Because you guys looked happy just yesterday, so I'm trying to understand what could have suddenly changed his mind. Is there, um... Did he say there's someone else?"

"No, mom. There's nobody else. It's just... He got back together with me for a dare."

"A dare?"

"Yeah. He was so sure that he could get me back when he returned, and his friends wanted to see if he was right. And he was."

"What? Eliza, I don't-I don't think that's the reason."

"Why not?"

"Well, because I just think that it doesn't add up. He wouldn't do all of this for a dare."

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