Chapter 29.

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"Are you feeling comfortable?" A soft voice comes from the nurse hovering above me, snapping me away from the lucid trance I have become engulfed in. I nod slightly, and see a small smile form on her face, wishing that I could reciprocate it. "If you're hungry, make sure you let someone know, okay?" This time, I am short of a nod, and instead my head becomes filled with the desire to just be in silence. Silence so I don't have to hear all the voices apart from the one I actually yearn to hear. Silence so I can actually picture the short memories of the past few weeks that actually happened to make me feel more alive than anything ever has. Silence so that I can internally convince myself that I will get the biggest longing of my heart.

But even silence seems to repel against me.

"Okay, hold on darling, I'll just give it to her," my mom's voice penetrates roughly through my ears, which leads to a huge sigh being revealed from me. "It's Olivia," she says, as she hands me my phone. I take it reluctantly, envisioning what she may say, but hoping that reality is stronger than a vision.

"Liv," I greet her.

"Hey, Lize. How are you feeling?"

"On top of the world," I laugh, but I hear nothing but silence on the other end of the line. "What's up?"

"So I went over to the house like I said I would, and it's been five hours Eliza, but I haven't seen any sign of him."

"That doesn't make any sense," I simply reply.

"I've checked every room, and the bed in the one he's staying in hasn't been laid; and when I got here I went to the kitchen to see if I could smell anything, or spot any sign of him making something to eat, but I couldn't." My attention drifts off from her words, and the anger that begins to entrap my soul causes a sting in the burns. "Eliza?"


"I asked how many things were in the sink the last time you checked, if you know."

"Three. There were two plates, and a cup before I left. I was deciding whether to wash them before I leave or when I return."

"Well... There's two plates and one cup right now, Eliza. I know I said I would stay till the morning, but it's getting late and I have to start on an assignment at home."


"I'm sorry, Lize."

"It's not your fault. I guess I should have seen it coming."

"I'll talk to you tomorrow, get some rest okay?"

"Yeah. Thanks, Liv. I love you."

"I love you too, girl. Bye." The phone cuts off, as I feel my vision become clouded with an unwanted liquid.

I turn to my mom, whose face immediately portrays alarm.

"Honey, what's wrong?"

"Mom... I want to go to Connecticut."

"What? Are you sure? Why the sudden change of heart?"

"You were right. There's no point being here when I can get the best medical care over there. I'm tired of New York. Please take me to Connecticut. I don't want to stay here a minute longer." My voice stoops lower with every syllable pronounced, the cracks in the surface of my throat evident in the ear.

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