Chapter 16.

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"What have you lovebirds been up to?" My mom questions the moment we step into the house.


"You know Eliza, I'm really getting tired of you saying 'mom' so downheartedly all the time. It's as if you think I can't speak, or I'm cramping your style or something."

"You are cramping my style, mom. And if you must know, we went bowling."

"Oh, isn't that where you guys went for your first date?"

"Wow, thanks for keeping as up to date with my relationship as I am, mom."

"When he's as good as a guy as Coop, how can I not?"

"Well, great chat, but we're going to go upstairs now." I grab Cooper's arm and attempt to drag him through the kitchen and up the stairs, but my mom's voice drags us back.

"And what exactly do you plan to be doing upstairs? Alone? With me downstairs, may I add."

"Oh, don't worry. After that reminder, we won't be doing anything that you're thinking of." I squeeze my face in disgust, but a smile creeps through not long after. I continue to drag Coop, and we eventually end up in my room.

"I see your room is still as pink as ever," he laughs, and throws himself on my bed.

"Hey, be careful!" I smack his leg, causing him to latch onto my arm and pull me into him. He embraces his lip with mine, and I find myself lost in the succulent taste of his tongue.

After a while, he leans back onto the bed, pulling me with him, and our passionate smooch continues. I feel him reach into the pocket on my left side first, but his hand returns empty handed. He does the same for his other pocket, but the same result occurs.

"Um... What are you doing?" I ask, once I feel that the moment has been broken.

"Looking for a condom," he replies nonchalantly as he gently pulls me up, and then sits up himself. He reaches into his back pockets, but evidently no condoms are residing in any of his pockets. "Ah, I must have left it at home."

"You say that as if you planned to bring it with you today."

"Well... You never know what could happen," he winks at me. There is a pause, as I wonder what happens from here. Do we continue kissing knowing that it won't lead to anything further? Or do we just get up and watch a movie?

It seems he answers for me, as the next words that ensue from his mouth cause a shiver down my spine. "I'm gonna ask Cooper number two if he has any condoms."

My common sense immediately leads me to believe Cooper number 2 is Theo, especially because he is the only person, and male at that, close enough to ask. Once the realisation kicks in, the problem with Cooper's last words slap me across the face.

"Okay number one, why is he Cooper number two? And number two, don't ask him," I command.

"Number one, he's wearing my clothes, so I don't see what else he should be called. And number two, why not?"

"Cooper, he's homeless. That's for number one, and number two... What makes you think he would have a condom?"

"Well, I know I carry one with me most of the time, so I would assume other guys do too."

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