Found Our Friend, In My Bed!

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Found Our Friend, In My Bed!

The bookworm from Fairy Tail woke up to the sound of birds and...Ryoko!? Levy jumped up, in shock. She looked down at the girl there laid in her bed. Levy didn't knew what to do. However, there were only one thing to do. Wake her up. Levy shocked the little girl before her. Ryoko slowly started to woke up. She sat up, looking all tired.
"Ryoko?" Levy sat down beside her. Ryoko looked at Levy. "How did you end up in my bed?"
"Aren't this the bed Natsu gave me?" Ryoko looked around her. "How did I end up, in your bed?" She started to shake.
"I would ask you the same" Levy looked outside and sighed. She stood up and walked over to the door. Locked. The windows. Locked. "How did you get in?" Levy turned around to the light-blond-haired girl.
"I...I don't know" Tears came to Ryoko's eyes and she took her hands up to her head, hiding her face. "Please, don't hurt me!"
"Why... Should I hurt you?" Levy asked with a confused look and a little shocked. However the experience from yesterday, made her more relaxed because she knew that someone in the past had treated her bad.
"Everybody do that..." A flash came to Ryoko's eyes. She remembered something. "Why don't you do it?" Ryoko shocked her head. "I'm so confused..."
"I would never hurt you. We are friends, ain't we?" Levy said as she sat down beside Ryoko. Ryoko sobbed. "Hey, don't cry..." Levy smiled to the girl, as Ryoko took away her tears.
"I will...try to..." Ryoko tried to give a smile to Levy. "May I ask you something?"
"May I borrow some clothes?" Ryoko smiled nervously. She didn't had the dress Mira gave to Natsu.
"I don't know if you can fit in it" Levy smiled as she sweat dropped.
"Why?" Ryoko looked confused at Levy.
"Well, I'm one of the shortest in all of Fairy Tail, and you are a little taller than I am" Levy smiled, a little sadness came into the smile and to be reminded it everyday by the man you love, didn't help at all. Ryoko shocked her head.
"I think you have a beautiful height" Ryoko smiled.
"You really think that" Levy was surprised. None had ever said that to her before and it made her smile. Ryoko nodded and jumped down from the bed.
"And one day, you will find a man there has the perfect height to that" Ryoko smiled, as she walked over to the window. Levy blushed. Not this again. "You already has someone on mind?" Ryoko turned her head over to Levy, as she blushed harder.
"How...How do you know?" Levy's voice shocked. Could Ryoko read minds?
"Someone told me" Ryoko laid a hand on her heart. Levy, there didn't wanted to talk about the man she thought about every day, especially not with a girl she just met yesterday, walked over to closet, there stood beside her window.
"What colours do you like?" Levy asked as she looked around for something, there would fit Ryoko.
"The colours of the day" Ryoko said as she looked outside. Levy looked at her. A little smile came on to Levy's lips as she watched the girl. Levy turned her head back to the closet. She found a little white dress, there hopefully would fit her. "I found something" Levy turned around to Ryoko, with a smile.
"It's beautiful...but I can't take it..." Ryoko shocked her head and turned around, showing her back with scars. Levy looked at Ryoko with a confused look.
"Why not?" Levy walked closer.
"Because...none had gave me anything that beautiful..." A tear felt from her left eye.
"How do you know that?" Levy asked, because she knew Ryoko couldn't remember a single thing about her past. Or, was she lying?
"Before, I got a hit of the past" Ryoko turned her head to Levy.
"Really? What was it about?" Levy stood beside her.
"People was punching and kicking me..." Ryoko started to cry and hugged Levy.
"Is that why you asked me if I wanted some water, when we first met? Because you wanted to please me, so I wouldn't hurt you?" Ryoko nodded. "Don't worry... None will hurt you in Fairy Tail...I promise you that" Ryoko looked at Levy, with tears in her eyes, Levy smiled at her.
"Thank...Thank you..." Ryoko hugged tighter.
"Before you take this dress on, you should probably take a shower" Levy smiled, pointing at the bathroom.
"Okay..." Ryoko walked over to the bathroom. "Thanks" Was the last thing Ryoko said as she walked into the bathroom. Levy wondered why people would have treated her that way; she was a very nice girl. However, the biggest question was, how did she came into her apartment?

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