The Small & Big Promises

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The Small & Big Promises

The girl with light-blonde hair stood before the moon-coloured man, with tears in her eyes. Kouki was in shock. He had never tried this before, because when he was little, he had a big sister. However, she never cried in front of him.
Ryoko then felt to her knees, as more tears streamed down her cheeks. Kouki took a step closer, with shacking hands in the front of him. He could see that the girl was sad, but he didn't knew why. Kouki then got to his knees and hugged her.
They just sat there for a few moments, before breaking the hug. Kouki could see her tears started to dry slowly, but there was still a few. Ryoko tried to smile, but she failed.
"What is wrong, Ryoko?" Kouki asked with a soft voice.
"I..." Ryoko looked into Kouki's eyes. "Thank you..."
"Uh..." Was that the only reason she came here? Why was she then crying? "Your welcome" Kouki smiled.
"Where you going?" Ryoko asked.
"Um... where the wind lead me" Kouki looked the way the wind blew. "That's a thing I have been doing over the years" He looked back at Ryoko. Kouki's face turned from smiling to in shock. Ryoko once again, was crying. "W-why are you crying?"
"D-do you n-need to l-leave?" Ryoko's voice was shacking. Kouki sighed, as he took Ryoko's hand.
"Yes..." Kouki closed his eyes. "I need to..."
"Can't you stay?" Ryoko hugged Kouki out of nowhere. "Just a little longer..." Kouki could feel the salty water on his back. He sighed again.
"I'm sorry..." He broke the hug, so he could look at her. "I will come back, I promise" Kouki smiled. Ryoko's face lighted up with happiness and hugged Kouki again.
"Thank you! I will wait for you, I promise that" Kouki hugged back at those words. However, the hug broke after some moments and Kouki stood up. He helped Ryoko up on her feet and smiled to her.
"See you, Ryoko!" Kouki smiled as he waved goodbye to Ryoko and she returned it. "Take care of your little friend," He turned around and kept walking. Ryoko watched him walk away, until she couldn't see him anymore.
She looked down at Lily. Apparently, he was awake the whole time Ryoko and Kouki talked, because he had this big smile on. However, after the beating last night, he had closed his left eye.
"Good morning, Lily-sama" Ryoko said with a smile.
"Just Lily is fine" He smiled back. "You're okay?"
"I'm okay, why do you ask?" Ryoko sat down and sat Lily in the front of her.
"Um... no reason" Lily sweat dropped. The guild had decided not to tell Ryoko about Night, because she would probably panic.
"Oh, okay" Ryoko smiled down at the black exceed, and he couldn't hold the smile back. She could make everyone smile.
"Lily! Ryoko!" Someone yelled their names and they looked that way. It was Gajeel and Levy. They had looked all over town to find them and then, they have just been sitting here and was holding a tea party!
"Oh, Gajeel-sama and Levy-chan" Ryoko smiled. "I'm sorry I ran off with Lily" She stood up and bowed, apology.
"It's oka-..." Gajeel cut Levy off.
"Don't you dare run off with my cat!" Gajeel yelled in Ryoko's face. "What would you do if I ran off with your cat!?" Ryoko looked down.
"" The three mages looked at Ryoko, watching every step she did. Tears came to her eyes.
"Nice done, Gajeel" Levy said as she pointed at Ryoko. "Look what you did!" Levy hugged Ryoko. "It's okay... Don't take it too hard, Gajeel doesn't know what he says"
"Hey!" Levy glared at Gajeel. If look could kill, Gajeel was dead for long time ago.
"Wants to have a girl day? Just the two of us?" Levy smiled at Ryoko, and she returned the smile.
"That would be nice, Levy-chan"
"May I come too?" Lily asked, flying beside the two girls.
"But, you are not a girl" Ryoko said with a faint blush. "Or maybe..."
"I'm 100 percent male" Lily sweat dropped, as Levy giggled.
"Are you just going to leave me alone?" Gajeel asked, as Lily turned around to Gajeel.
"Yep" Lily said as he turned to the girls again. "Shall we get going?" The girls nodded and started to walk. After a while, Gajeel stood all alone on one of the street of Magnolia. He signed.
"Stupid cat..." Gajeel turned around, not walking to guild. He walked to the woods of Magnolia. 'Maybe this is good for me. Maybe I need time for myself...' Gajeel thought to himself as he stepped into the woods.
Gajeel sat down in the front of a tree, resting. Slowly, he felt into the sleep, course Levy and Gajeel haven't slept for day because of Night. Gajeel started to dream.

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