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After the fight with Night and the guild members of Fairy Tail could go out of the door, they started to search for Night and Lily. They search everywhere near the guild and Magnolia. However, none found anything.
In the morning when the last member came home from their search and told they didn't found anything, Gajeel became pissed. Everyone tried to calm him down, without any use. He destroyed almost everything in the guild, also beating some of the guild mates, because they stood in his way.
When Gajeel stood beside the bar, Levy tried to calm him down, the guild doors opened. A boy, with hair and eyes as the colour as the moon stood in the door. He had tan skin, was walking in a white shirt, had white shoes on and had white pants on. If he didn't had his tan skin, people would think he was a ghost. The boy had Ryoko in his arms, bridal style, and Lily was laying on her stomach. They both had bruise and scars all over their bodies. Nobody said anything, when the boy walked over to the bar.
"I believe this is your members," The boy said as he stood in the front of Master Makarov. Makarov nodded as he spoke.
"Thank you boy" Master pointed over at Gajeel and the boy walked over to him. Gajeel took Ryoko into his arms, laid her down on the table, took Lily and laid him down. They were unconscious. Master Makarov walked over to his children, and spoke. "What is your name, child?" The boy looked down at the short master before him and bowed.
"My name is Kouki Leivo, I'm a traveller" He looked over at the unconscious Fairy Tail members. "I found them in the hotel I stay at this morning. I had been up all night looking at stars" Kouki looked back at the master of Fairy Tail. "Is there a reason they were in my hotel room?"
"I don't know the reason, but Ryoko here has another person inside her there has control over their body at night, and she calls herself Night" Makarov jumped up to a chair and sat down. "Do you know anything about Ryoko Night, The Dragon Slayer from Death Signs?" Makarov asked. Kouki thought for a moment, before answering.
"I have heard when I travelled past the city the guild is in, she was kicked out and now they are searching for her" Worry came on to Kouki face. "Something happened?"
"We don't know for sure" Makarov looked over at Ryoko and sighed. "Good we have our members back"
"I thank you for finding our friends," Levy said as she stepped over to Kouki and Master Makarov, with a smile. Kouki returned the smile.
"No need to thank me, I just did what felt right" He looked down at Ryoko. "You know..." Kouki started.
"Know what?" Levy asked.
"Uh, nothing" Kouki then suddenly became nervous, closed his eyes and smiled nervously. "Never mind it" He looked over at the guild doors. "Well, I better keep going" Kouki smiled to the Fairy Tail mages. "Hope to see you guys again" He walked over to Ryoko and whispered, so none could hear it, not even The Dragon Slayers. Kouki had learned that a few years ago. "Hopefully you break free soon" Kouki smiled and waved when he walked out of the guild. Most people waved back.
"He was nice," Levy said as she sat beside Gajeel, looking at Lily. She smiled up at Gajeel.
"He was okay..." Gajeel crossed his arms. "Maybe he was lying..."
"What do you think he was lying about?" Levy asked, as she looked confused at Gajeel.
"That he was looking at stars. Maybe he works for Creeper and that's probably why Lily passed out, he was overpowered by Creeper and Moonie," Levy thought for a moment, before looking at Gajeel again.
"Now I know the real reason you call Ryoko Creeper, it was Night you were thinking about," Levy giggled. "However, why are you calling Kouki Moonie?" Levy turned her body to Gajeel, so she could look probably at him. He sighed.
"Are your eyes that bad? It is probably because of all that reading. You start seeing everything in black and white" Levy crossed her arms and looked away with closed eyes, still having her body to Gajeel. "His hair and eyes had the same colour as the moon, that's the reason" Levy turned her head to Gajeel again.
"Why do you need to give everyone a nickname?" Levy asked. Gajeel shrugged.
"It's just my thing, Shrimp" Gajeel grinned.

Two hours, Ryoko started to wake up. She took Lily to her, saying; I'm sorry, all the time. Everyone came over to look at her. Tears was streaming down her cheek, but none dared to touch her. She then sat up, rubbing her eyes and having Lily in her lap. Lily was still unconscious, probably because he took the worse beating. Ryoko yawned and looked at her guild mates.
"You okay, Ryoko?" Lucy asked, with a worried smile. Natsu was standing behind her, holding her hand tight. He was afraid, maybe Night suddenly got enough energy to break through and hurt her.
"I'm..." Ryoko looked right into the air, looking like she was half-dead. "Who was that boy?" She looked around at her friends. Everyone looked around, seeing nothing
"Who? There is no boy..." Juvia said, holding close to Gray. He took her tight into him. Yesterday, when they searched for Night, Juvia and Gray was searching together. Gray somehow felt on top of Juvia. Blushing hard, Juvia kissed him. They kissed for two minutes, before stopping for air. Gray said he loved her and she cried of joy. Therefore, now Juvia's biggest wish came true; Gray is hers.
"The boy... there brought... Lily and I... here" Ryoko voice changed a little, not sounding like Night, but someone else. Everyone then understood.
"He left two to three hours ago" Erza said as she pointed at the guild door. Ryoko then ran out of the door, still having Lily in her arms. Someone told her to take him with her.
"Ryoko!" People yelled after her.
"She is not taking my cat with her!" Gajeel yelled as he ran after her.
"I'm going with him, so he don't destroy anything" Levy ran after the two Dragon Slayers.
With Kouki, there had just packed his things and was about to leave Magnolia once again. He sighed, wishing it were this city he could have got some answers. However, something good happened, not like last time. Last time Kouki was in Magnolia, this some sort of blue thing attacked him, saying; have you seen my fish! Then flying away again. That was just the normal thing he was attacked by. After hour or so, this black short haired and red eyed, guy came up to him asking, moreover yelling; Have you seen my cay!? He is walking in a fro costume! Kouki was shocked, but said polite: No. When it became afternoon, after more things happened, promising himself not to speak about to anyone, he was attacked by a pink haired guy yelling; Want to fight me!? A blonde-haired person took him away. Thank Mavis for that. That was just one of the days he stayed there.
Kouki sighed, looking back. He could see the Fairy Tail guildhall. The moon-coloured man turned around to walk, but was stopped by someone yelling his name. He turned around to find the girl and cat he found this morning.

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