The Past

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The Fairy Tail mages eyes switched from the woman and the exceed. Ryoko's eyes didn't leave the exceed. The exceed was a female and she had black eyes. It was like looking into pure darkness. Her fur was orange. At the end of her tail was a black ring and the end was brown. She had a blue west on, there had an pocket on the left side where an R was written on. An black shirt was under the west. The exceed then ran over to the fairy before her.
"Ryoko!" The little exceed said, jumping into the embrace of The Dragon Slayer. Ryoko hugged the little kitten, pressing her close to her. "Ryoko, I missed you!"
"I sure has missed you too" Ryoko closed her eyes. The two beings just sat there, feeling their long lost friend. Soon the silence became too much for Natsu.
"Ryoko, who are this?" Natsu pointed at the little exceed, known as Lightly. The orange exceed looked at Natsu, sending him some dead eyes.
"Haven't someone taught you, that it's rude pointing fingers at another being?" Natsu took a step back, while some of the Fairy Tail mages giggled. "Thank you" the black eyed exceed smiled at the Fire Dragon Slayer. Ryoko looked up at Natsu.
"She is my childhood friend, Lightly"
"Why Lightly?" Happy stood in the front of the other exceed.
"Because of her eyes" Ryoko said, looking down at her smaller friend. "Her eyes are really dark and she hated it when she was a child, so me and..." Ryoko stopped and Lightly continued for her, without noticing that Ryoko looked down at the ground.
"Etsu, our childhood friend" Lightly smiled and looked over at Ryoko. "Right, Ryoko?" Lightly saw the sadness there came out of Ryoko. "Ryoko?"
"What's wrong, Ryoko?" Gajeel sat down beside her and laid an hand on her shoulder. Lightly looked suspicious at Gajeel, but he just shocked it off. "You know you can tell me, right?"
"I know, Onii-chan" she sighed and looked away from her friends.
"Onii-chan?" Lily walked up to Gajeel, standing beside Lightly. The orange exceed looked at the black exceed beside her. He looked back at her and she turned her head back at Ryoko, kinda looking at Lily in the corner of the eye.
"Long story" Gajeel's eyes looked back at his little sister. "Ryoko?"
"E-Etsu" her voice was shacking, and tears was streaming down her face. "Etsu... are dead..." Lightly's heart skipped a beat.
"H-how?" Tears started to form in her eyes, they were hard to see because of her black eyes. "How did it happened!?" Lightly had a feeling she didn't wanted to know, but if she want to revenge Etsu, then she needed to know if it was a person who killed her.
"She was... killed" it was like a waterfall there came from the Dragon Slayer. She hugged Gajeel tight.
"By who!" Even through she had a nice voice when she wasn't yelling. When she was yelling, she sounded like she could break a mirror. The exceed yelled really loud.
"Enough!" Gajeel yelled, while giving a death stare to Lightly. "Ryoko can't talk now, she just got her body back"
"Her body back?" Now that Lightly really looked at Ryoko, she was a mixed of the two Ryokos she knew. "What had happened while I was gone?" Ryoko looked up at Lightly, trying to force a smile.
"Well..." Ryoko started to tell the story of how she joined the guild, how she became Gajeel's little sister and something about Day and Night. She didn't tell her about how Night had nearly killed everyone in the guild, that could wait til later.

Everyone stood in their own place and talked with their close friends. Ryoko was sitting in the front of Lightly, while Gajeel, Levy and Lily was standing beside them. The Day and Night Dragon Slayer was still telling the story, while the new formed couple and Lily was listening. When Ryoko was done telling the story, Lightly asked;
"I'm sorry, if I say it too soon, but do you know who killed Etsu?" The orange exceed asked, looking at the ground. Ryoko stared into thin air. Gajeel, Levy and Lily looked from Ryoko to Lightly and back to Ryoko. Finally, the light-blonde and black haired girl sighed and looked down at the exceed in the front of her.
"Yes..." Lightly head swung up as fast as it could, with sparkling eyes.
"Who is it? I want to beat that bastard, so the grandchildren can feel it..." Ryoko looked away from Lightly and the others. The black eyed exceed looked at her childhood friend. "Ryoko, please tell me..."
"Gajeel..." The Iron Dragon Slayer looked at the other Dragon Slayer. The others eyes landed on him.
"Yes?" He said, going down on one knee, so he could face her.
"It was Gajeel..." her hair was hiding her eyes, as well her tears. The other fairies was in shock. "The red eyed man... the man there killed our childhood friend, as well as she was my best friend... was Onii-chan, Gajeel Redfox" now the tears was once again rolling down her cheeks. Lightly stood up, while a dark shadow was over her eyes. Gajeel was one of them there was most in shock.
"Gajeel... have you...?" Levy looked at her boyfriend, with kinda scared eyes but there was worry in them too.
"I don't remember it..." The Iron Dragon Slayer was looking down at the ground.
"It's because..." She didn't finish her sentence, before Lightly started to transform into her bigger form. It was like Lily and Charla's, but it was smaller than Lily's and bigger than Charla's. It also looked more human than Lily's and less human than Charla's.
"I'm going to kill you!" Lightly attacked Gajeel without a warning. Lily transformed as well and took her away. She was weaker than him, so it was easy. "Let me go, the man before us is a killer!" She yelled it loud enough, for some of the other Fairy Tail mages could hear it. They looked over at them, with confused looks.
"Let me finish! He was controlled at that period of time!" Everyone's eyes landed on her, as she explained why a close friend to herself had killed Etsu. "Day, my sister, knew that you had killed Etsu" Gajeel once again looked at the ground. The bluenette sat on one knee beside The Iron Dragon Slayer. "However, she also knew that you were controlled... so that's why she had forgiven as well as myself" Lightly's eyes was filled with rage, as Lily held her close. "The period he was a member of Phantom Lord, was a time he was being controlled, most of the time" Gajeel looked up from the ground.
"H-how can that be... when we attacked Fairy Tail I felt like it was my own will..." Ryoko nodded, looking over at Gajeel.
"That's right, the control magic you was under sent an idea up to your mind, so you thought it was your own will"
"What about when he was controlled under your friend's death?" The newest Fairy Tail member sighed.
"It was because, it was deleted from his memory" Ryoko crawled over to Gajeel and Levy. "Please Onii-chan, don't worry about the past. You have a bright future with your new girlfriend" she smiled to both mages.
"You are right" The black haired male looked up at his beautiful girlfriend.
"I'm always right" the three mages laughed.
Lightly had calmed down and Lily's grip had loosen a little, but he was still holding if she would start to attack Gajeel again. Lightly sighed lightly.
"Okay, I understand now..." Lightly turned around, so she could face Lily. "May I ask you something?" Lily let go of Lightly.
"Sure thing" Lily smiled with his teeth, making a tiny blush on Lightly's cheeks. To hide it, she looked to her left side.
"What's your name?" Lightly could hear the male in the front of him chuckle.
"Pantherlily" Lightly turned her head back to Lily again. "But everyone calls me Lily"
"Lily..." The orange exceed looked to the right side of Lily and smiled. "Reminds me of once I found a flower, it was a lily. It was also black like you" Lightly closed her eyes and smiled up at Lily. They both transformed to their smaller selves. A tiny blush came on the black exceed's cheeks.
Master Makarov walked up to all his children.
"Brats, we are going to build a new guild" he sighed. "Once again"
"No problem" Levy smiled. "Now get got two new pair of hands" She turned to Ryoko and Lightly.
"That reminds me of something" Mirajane turned to the Master of Fairy Tail. "Can Lightly join our guild?" Lightly looked up at the mages.
"Do you mean I... can join your guild?" Every mage of Fairy Tail nodded. A tiny smile came on to Lightly's lips and it soon formed to a bigger one. "I will gladly join" every mage cheered. Ryoko picked her up and hugged her.
"Now we can become close again!" The light blonde and black haired girl smiled down at the orange exceed.
"We sure can!"
"Gehe" came out of Ryoko's mouth. Everyone looked at her. She just giggled and they all started to laugh.

One last chapter, and wanna know something *whisper* it's going to be a wedding, and who is going to be the couple there are going to be married in one chapter? I known it, but try and guess it ^^ I would like to see who you think it's going to be
The couples are:
Laxus X Mira (Miraxus)
Natsu X Lucy (Nalu)
Gray X Juvia (Gruvia)
Gajeel X Levy (Gale)
Elfmen X Evergreen (Elfgreen)
I don't remember if there are any other couples in my story, but try and guess it.
See you later!
Creator-chan out~

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