Goodnight, Sis...

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The guild was completely quiet. None dared to speak. Even Natsu didn't dared. What had the world become to? One of Fairy Tails own member wanted to kill all men, unless one? And the same guild mate owns Gajeel.
'Gajeel' the bluenette thought. She couldn't believe anybody, anymore. The man she dearly loved and cared about, was owned by someone else. Could she ever have him in peace. If he loved her. Does he even? What if Night had control over Gajeel and his feelings? Does that mean she are making him do things, so she will fall in love with him and then break her heart? Thoughts flew in and out of Levy's mind.

Without any warning, started someone to speak and sent a shock right through every Fairy Tail member.
"I'm sorry..." was the only thing there was sent out of the persons mouth. "If I knew I would have brought trouble to you guys, I wouldn't have come..."
"Day..." sobs came into everyone's mind.
"I'm so sorry!"
"Day" Master Makarov said. "Meet me at my office upstairs" he started to go up the stairs. The master closed the door behind him.

In the infirmary, it was quitet. Day jumped from the bed. She sighed. 
"I better go to Master's office" She took a step forward to the door. Before anybody could move she was gone. Some seconds later, slammed the guild doors opened and as fast as they were opened, they were closed. They closed with a big slam. Someone had left the guild. Everyone looked around to see who it could be. After a little while, the guild door was once again opened, and it was followed by someone yelling; 
"Gajeel!" Everyone ran to the door and saw Levy running as fast as she could. Jet want to follow her, but he was stopped by Erza, shaking her head gentle. 
"No, this is something only Levy can do" Erza looked the way one of her nakamas ran. "Good luck...Levy."

With Gajeel and Levy. The bluenette tried to catch up with her fellow comrade, while yelling; "Gajeel wait for me!". However, Gajeel didn't slow down, he even ran faster. "Gajeel! Please, I just want to understand!" After a while of running, Levy finally came closer to Gajeel. She was shocked to see that the Iron Dragon Slayer was crying. The Script mage catched up to Gajeel, running beside him. She laied a hand on his arm. Gajeel finally stopped, sitting down on his knees.
"I'm sorry!" He yelled, crying into his hands. Gajeel looked like a little child there just broke something. "I never thought it would go this far!" Levy sat down, as Gajeel started to tell his story with Night. When he was done telling his story, Levy hugged him. There came just more tears. "I'm sorry Levy... I didn't me..." Before Gajeel could say more, something wet hit his lips. He looked to see what it was. It was Levy's lips there was on top of his. She was about to let go of his lips, because she thought he didn't want it, since he wasn't kissing back, but Gajeel took her closer and kissed back. They sat there for some minutes, enjoying their company and each other. 
"Gajeel..." Levy said between their kiss, but Gajeel cut her off with his tongue. Their make out became more heated as Gajeel laid Levy down on the ground, begin on top. "Gajeel..." Levy once again tried to say something.
"Levy..." Gajeel looked right into her eyes. "I have to say this before chaos break out..." A tiny blush came on his cheeks. He sighed. "I love you. I had noticed it awhile ago and I just want you to know it" Tears rolled down Levy cheeks as hair covered her eyes.
"Gajeel..." Gajeel sighed again. "I love you too and I have known that for a long time ago. When Master sent you and the other Dragon Slayers on missions together, I got a little annoyed, because then you would not be at the guild as much anymore" Levy smiled with her whole face. "I love you too, you idiot" Gajeel smiled as well and laid his lips on hers again. 

After sometime of kissing and saying why they love each other, they stood up. They took each others hands and looked into each others eyes. 
"Let's protect our family" Gajeel said, taking Levy into his chest.
"Together as one" Gajeel could feel Levy smiling on his chest. They once again took each others hands and started to walk to their family. 

When the new couple came to the guild, they saw Day sitting on a chair in the middel of the guild. Everyone had their eyes on her. Levy looked outside and saw it was soon becoming dark. The two Fairy Tail mages walked over to the others. The little Dragon Slayer looked up at the couple with a smile. Not a happy smile, but a scared one. Tears was rolling down her cheeks.
"I'm sorry guys... If I knew it I would..." She was cut off by Levy speaking.
"It's not your fault, you didn't know" She kneeled in the front of Day. "But I will promise you this, we are going to go throught this, together as one" Levy looked up at Gajeel with a smile and he smiled back. Without thinking, Day jumped on Levy with a hug. The bluenette could feel tears on Day's cheeks.

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