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Leo had been working in the forge for three weeks. He only took little bathroom and food breaks. Cylapso missed him and spent everyday with him in the forge. She never knew what he was building because it was a surprise.

One day while Leo was working Cylapso left to go hang out with Piper and Hazel. They were sitting on a blanket on the beach. It was getting late and right before Cylapso left Piper stopped her. "Do you hear that?" She asked.

She turned around just in time to see fireworks shooting into the air. When they exploded it showed her name in blue letters inside a pink heart. After those disappeared more shot into the air that read, Happy anniversary. Piper couldn't stop squealing and Hazel was smiling.

Cylapso was getting teary eyed when Leo ran onto the beach. He was so excited his nose caught on fire, Cylapso just laughed and he put it out. She ran up to him and smothered him in a hug.

When she pulled away Leo had the biggest, goofy smile on his face. They kissed and when they were done they sat on the beach for awhile. "Happy anniversary Leo".

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