Halloween Special

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Percy's POV
This Halloween we're doing something special. Nico and I are throwing a little get together. We're gonna watch scary movies and eat candy and popcorn. Leo, Calypso, Jason, Piper, Hazel and Frank are coming over.

Nico's setting up the candy on the table in his cute little skeleton costume. He hates it when I call him cute but I can't help it. I'm in a Poseidon costume. Nico says I look ridiculous but I see him staring at my ass ;).

The door bell rings and I go over and open the door. Everyone's costume looks AWESOME! Jason's dressed up in a superman costume (Obviously), Piper's dressed up as a 70's pop girl. Frank is painted blue like a dolphin, and Hazel is dressed like a queen with jewels covering her poofy dress.

"Nico, your costume looks great! And Perce, you uh, don't look like a total fool.'' Piper says.

I cross my arms and pout, until Nico comes over and grabs my hand. "He's my loser." He says, ''Come on let's start this thing!''

We all go in and sit on the four bean bags layed out.
I start the movie.

The movie Halloween's theme song starts. Piper and Jason are holding hands, Hazel and Frank are snuggling and Nico's laying on me. To be as skinny as he is he's heavy. Weird.

Two and a half movies later I'm the last one awake, so I quietly get up and place blankets on all the sleeping couples. I then turn the TV and lights off, and lay back down on mine and Nico's bean bag. He rolls over and hugs me, putting his head on my chest.

I rub his hair and start to fall asleep. The last thing on my mind, what a great Halloween.

Hey guys sorry it's short but I wanted to write something special for Halloween. I'll also be doing one for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and one for the New Years. This is a little late updated, but I've been on vacation for the last two weeks and forgot my charger :(. Happy Veterans day everyone! On that note night!!


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