Leo × Summer

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Heyyy!!!! This one is dedicated to my best friend Stray_Yourself she's on team Leo! Hope ya like it Jo. No Caleo here guys!!

Summer's POV
I was walking through the empty park. Why was the park empty you ask? I'll tell you, I had just gotten in a fight with my mom and needed to get out of the house for some alone time. So, here I am. Since there was a light breeze on a chilly night, I pulled my arms into the sleeves of my hoodie.

The tree leaves were rustling and it was really quiet. I heard a stick crack and turned around, but I was met with darkness. Hesitantly, I turned back around and continued to walk at a quicker pace. I pulled out the small pocket knife I keep for emergency's and kept it in my hand, just in case.

I heard another crack but this time it was closer than before and I froze. I looked around and didn't see anything until a boy stepped out of shadows. I looked him over, dark eyes, dark hair, and he looked about fourteen and was extremely pale. He was wearing all black and had, a sword? I looked again and yep, it was a sword. Maybe he's just crazy?

When he saw me he motioned for someone else to come out. When the other boy came out he looked different from the first boy. He had jet black hair, sea green eyes and was holding a pen. He was tall and well built, and in the light of the uprising sun you could see he was tan.

When the taller boy who looked about seventeen, three years older than me, saw me he looked relieved. I worked up the courage to ask who they were. "Who are you?" I asked moving my thumb down to the button that opened the blade. The pale boy saw my movement and held up a hand. "There's no need for that knife, we won't hurt you. I'm Nico and this is Percy."

I didn't know what to think. "Which parent do you live with?" Percy asked. Ok, this was getting weird. Why do they want to know who I lived with? "Um- my mom" I said, still not trusting them. I mean, who comes out of the shadows after following a teen girl in an empty park? At least, I think they were following me.

"What happened to your dad?" Nico asked. Ouch. My dad was a touchy subject. I had to resist the urge to cry in front of the two strangers. "He left me and my mom when I was born". They looked at each other and nodded. Then Nico looked at me. "What's your name?'' He ask.

Should I tell them a fake name or my real name? "Summer Burns"

"Well, Summer, me and Percy have something to tell you. We know it will sound crazy but it's true." I look at the two boys confused, what were they going to tell me? "Your a demigod" they same at the same time. I'm still confused. "A demi- what?" I asked.

"A demigod. Your half human and half god." Percy explains. I can't be half god, it's just crazy. Percy and Nico are crazy. "No I'm not. I'm a normal person.'' They look at me apologetically. Then, Nico looks around. "Where's Leo?" He asked. At that moment a kid with curly brown hair and brown eyes came running up, he was wearing a tool belt? Yea, a tool belt.

"Sorry guys, hellhound attack." He said. The craziest part was his hair was smoking. "Why is y-your hair s-smoking?" I asked. Leo looked over just noticing me, when he saw me we locked eyes for a moment before I blushed and looked away.

"Is she a demigod?" He asked looking back at Percy and Nico. They both nod "Yep Leo, she is. She's putting off a lot of power so I'd say a child of the big three?" Nico looked at me. "We all know what happend the last time a child of the big three showed up" he said looking at Percy.

"Hey!" Percy said "Technically I was the first and you were the last death breath." Percy says glaring at Nico. "Ok tell yourself that kelphead" Nico said rolling his eyes, then looked back over at me.

"We have to get her to Camp Half blood" Percy and Leo nod in agreement. "Wait! Camp?" I say looking between the three. "Yea, it's the only safe place for demigods besides Camp Jupiter"

"I'm not going anywhere with you strangers" I go to turn around to leave when I stop. "You have to Summer" I turn to see Leo was the source of the voice. God he was cute, I couldn't say no. I sigh "Fine, how do we get to to this 'Camp'?" I ask eyeing then suspiciouslly.

"Like this" Nico says and holds out his hands. Leo and Percy connect hands on one side, and I end up holding Leo's and Nico's. The shadows started coming towards us and I closed my eyes.

When we rematerialized we were in a camp. There were a bunch of kids from at least 8-18 running around with actual swords! I gaped at the kids and their skill, to say I was impressed was an understament. I was stunned.

Eventually I realized that Nico, Percy and Leo weren't crazy at all and were helping me.

After I met Chiron and was claimed as Zeus's daughter I started hanging out with Leo more. When he was in bunker nine and I didn't have to train myself or others I was here. We were like best friends, and I didn't want my crush on him to ruin that.

One day while he was working and I was sitting in a chair off to the side cleaning my sword he stopped working and turned to look at me. He looked nervous and was tapping his fingers on the table. "Summer" he said. "Leo" I replied putting my sword away, looking up at him.

"Willyoubemygirlfriend?" He said quickly. "What?" I asked confused "Say it slower this time" I told him. He took a couple deep breaths and then said it slower. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

My smile was wide, ear to ear. I couldn't believe what I was hearing! I was to busy trying to make sure this wasn't a dream Leo sighed "It's ok if you don't want to be" and with that he started to turn back around.

"Leo" he turned back to look at me "Yes I will" after that we just stood there smiling at each other. It was, perfect.

Sorry it took longer to get out than I said in my last A/N but I was at my moms all day yesterday and she didn't have WiFi so I couldn't upload. Then, my tablet died so I had to finish writing it at my house. Anyway, here it is so enjoy.

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