Chapter 2

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"Off to Algebra 2!" Sebastian said while holding Violets stuff.

"Can't believe we have to repeat this class on senior year." Violet said clearly annoyed.

"We'll pass it this time!" Sebastian said.

"I hope so." Violet said.

Her phone buzzed and she rolled her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Sebastian asked.

"The new exange student from Vermont won't stop texting me. It's so annoying.  We have only had like 2 weeks of school and I don't even know how he got my phone number..." Violet said.

"Everyone kind of has your phone number." Sebastian said.

"I know! And I don't understand why!" Violet said as she shoved her phone in to her coat pocket.

"The very first Friday of school they put your phone number on the school newspaper because you are voted hottest girl and everyone wants to be in contact with you." Jake said out of no where.

"Who told you to talk to Violet." Sebastian said.

"It's ok. Do you have a copy of the newspaper?" Violet asked.

"Yeah, I always keep a copy of all of the school newspapers. After all I am the president of the editors club." Jake said feeling proud of himself.

"Can you just give me the copy?" Violet said.

"Yes but I have  to look for it at home. I can drop it off at your house after." Jake said.

"Ok." Violet said and continued walking.

"I feel so sorry that you have to associate with Geeky Jake." Sebastian said.

"Don't be, he's not that bad." Violet said and opened the door.

"Smith and Hudgens if you want to graduate on May I strongly suggest that you get to your class on time we know that this is not exactly your strongest subject." Mr. Williams said.

"Yeah... we know..." Violet said.

"Don't worry we'll graduate but you'll miss us!" Sebastian said.

"Just take a seat so I can continue teaching my class." Mr. Williams said.

Sebastian and Violet made their way to the seats on the back of the class room.

"So as I was saying today we are going to work with exponents." Mr. Williams said as he started to write on the board.

(5) (5) (5) = 25 × 5 = 125

(43) (43) (43) (43) (43) = 147,008,443

"I remember this subject, it's not bad." Violet said.

"Yeah until he starts adding stuff and graphics and makes everything completely complicated. " Sebastian said.

"What happened with your earlier positive self?" Violet said.

"Math killed it!" Sebastian said.

"Everyone go to page 53 and do the practice exercises." Mr. Williams said.

"I didn't bring my book." Sebastian said.

"It's ok I'll share mine, after all you carried it  here." Violet said as she looked for the page.

"Also you will find your homework for Wednesday on page 57." Mr. Gomez said.

Students started to complain.

"Hey! The secret to success in math is practice so you'll need to do the homework so you don't forget the steps. Very important. " Mr. Williams said clearly being very serious about what he was saying.

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