Chapter 13

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"Dinner is ready!" Violets mom said.

The maid brought to the table the food that Violets mom had made.

"This looks like it's going to taste great!" Shawn said.

They were going to eat vegetarian lasagna with a side of salad and garlic bread.

"Hope that everyone enjoys the food." Violets mom said.

Violets mom enjoyed cooking, for her it was a way to get away from her reality. Deep down she was hurting with the life style that she was living in but as I said before she loved money more than her own dignity.

"I'm so glad that you let me come over for dinner once a while." Shawn said.

"Same." Jaked said as he took a knife and a fork.

"It's an honor to have guest at home tasting the food I prepare. Please enjoy." Violets mom said.

Jake took a bite of the lasagna.

"Mmm Aunt Smith this is really good." Jake said enjoying every piece of the lasagna.

"Why thank you Jake dear." Violets mom said.

Violet began to eat her meal.

"How about you darling, are you enjoying the food?" Violets mom asked.

"yes mom, the food is delicious like always." Violet said.

Every dinner was the same.

If Shawn or Jake came over or if it was just her with her mom her mom wanted to known that her food was the best food ever made.

Violet was a little annoyed with her life.

Everything seem to be perfect for her. Everything she asked for she got.

What really bothered her and made her feel like if her life was falling apart was the betrayal that his father did to her mom. The worst part about it was the way that her mom was dealing with the situation. The only hope that she had right now is that she was gonna finish high school this year and she was gonna move out of the house for college.

"So how was your education today?" Violets mom asked.

"It's called school mom. Just call it school." Violet said as she rolled her eyes.

"Well actually it can also be called education since the correct term for it is..." Jake started to say but he stopped talking as he saw the facial expressions of Shawn and Violet.

"Why did you stop talking?" Violets mom asked completely clueless.

Jake looked at the time on his phone.

"Sorry Aunt Smith I have to head back home." Jake said trying to get as fast as he could away from the uncomfortable environment.

"You are heading home so soon?" Violets mom asked.

"Yes, my parents should be already near my house." Jake said.

"Would you like to take to your parents some food?" Violets mom asked.

"Yeah, I think they would like for me to do that." Jake said.

"Please prepare food in a basket for Jake to take home." Violets mom said to the maid.

"Right away Mrs. Smith." The maid said and head over to the kitchen.

Jake stood up and said goodbye to his aunt with a hug, then he looked at Violet and Shawn. They were still looking at him with the same expression of earlier making him feel uncomfortable.

"Bye... Violet... and... Shawn..." Jake said kind of awkward.

"I hope to see you and your parents soon." Violets mom said.

"Yeah I'll make sure to tell them to come by soon." Jake said.

"Yes! That would be absolutely marvelous!" Violets mom said.

"ok..." Jake said looking at the floor.

"You can go to the kitchen to get the basket filled with food." Violets mom said.

"Yeah, ok... Bye!" Jake said and went to the kitchen.

Violets mom looked at Violet and Shawn.

"What now mom?" Violet asked annoyed.

"Why don't you spend more time with your cousin?" Violets mom asked.

"Cause he's Jake and I am Violet." Violet said in a duh tone.

"I don't understand what are you referring to darling." Violets mom said as she tried to read between Violets sentence.

"Jake does what he likes and I do what I like. We just have different ways of living and preferences that is all." Violet said.

"Both of you used to be so close when you were younger." Violets mom said and chuckled. "I remember that time at the park where you urinated yourself and..." Violets mom started to say.

Violets eyes wide opened.

"Ok! Mom stop! We are at the eating table and we have a guest." Violet said still with her eyes wide opened and motioning over to Shawn.

"Right sorry darling. Anyways is a story from when you were children, I'm sure Shawn would not mind hearing it. He is like part of the family now." Violets mom said.

"I would love to hear that story some day Mrs. Smith." Shawn said.

The reason why I don't say Violets mom name and no one ever mentions it is because Mrs. Smith only likes to be called Mrs. Smith or Violets mom. Don't understand why but that's how she prefers to be called ever since she got married and then had Violet.

"Well you are never going to hear it because Jake and I are no longer that close!" Violet said.

"But you are still family and families are suppose to stay together!" Violets mom said.

"I'ts never going to be the same way!" Violet argue.

"I don't understand what happened between you two." Violets mom said kind of upset.

"Mom high school happened! I developed and he just became a huge geek!" Violet said.

There was a loud noise of a door closing.

That was Jake he was still in the house while Violet and her mom where having the conversation and he got upset with Violets rude words. All he ever does is help her and try to see the best in her since they were very close when kids. He did't knew what happened to her...

Violets mom could not believe the words of her daughter, she was speechless.

"I am done eating. See you at school Shawn." Violet said as she stood up and ran to her room.

She threw herself on her bed.

"Saxophone music on." Violet said.

~Stay~ By: Rihanna Alto Saxophone Cover started to play.

My mom is so annoying sometimes why can't she just leave the fact that me and Jake are no longer like best friends anymore, people change... Violet thought to herself.


Hi guys, hope that you like this chapter (:

Not updating till I get 5 more comments & 5 more votes.

What do you think of Violet and Jake being cousins?

On the side is a YouTube video of my first makeup Tutorial:
~New Years Eve Look~ :D

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