Chapter 7

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The cafeteria is full with students, the lines to get food are terrifyingly long. This is not a normal high school cafeteria, after all this is Cali High School we are talking about.

Let me tell you a little bit about Cali High school. Is located in Los Angeles, California. Only the kids of the wealthiest parents attend to this school exept for Chad the kid from Sophomore year that's a total brain and he's with some sort of special payment but it's not like he's poor, his mom is the make up artist for the celebrities that come and play every Friday at downtown.

Usually off springs lof Doctors, lawyers, models, actors, fashion designers. So you see people here got the money or some just waste almost all of their money just for their kids to be here. As they say this is the school with the best academic program there is here in LA.

Honestly I don't see anything oh so amazing about it. I see it as a normal high school with the usual stereo types of groups.

"Yo!" Ryan said as he got closer to the table where Sebastian and Nicholas were sitting.

"Hey, what you got?" Sebastian asked.

"Pepperoni pizza!" Ryan said with a huge grin on his face.

"Dude there's a lot of natural stuff for you eat and you choose pizza?" Sebastian said.

"Yeah I have been waiting for this moment all weekend." Ryan said with his mouth full of pizza.

"You should lay low with the pizza. What do you got there like 4 slices." Nicholas said and chuckled.

Keep in mind that the pizzas slices here as as big at the pizzas they sell at New York, New York.

"If you keep it up like that you are gonna end up like chubby squirrel." Sebastian said.

The doors of the cafeteria opened.

Violet and Grant let themselves in and started walking to the area of their exclusive group.

They were so exclusive that no one ever dared to sit at that table. Even when people knew they weren't even going to use the table no one ever sat there.

"Who's that?" Ryan asked.

Grant stood behind Ryan while Violet took a look at the menu of today.

"What do you mean who's that, you are the one that gave her that nickname!" Sebastian said in disappointment.

"I honestly don't remember. He must be that irrelevant to me." Ryan said.

"What are you guys talking about?" Grant asked.

"Basically that Ryan needs to stop eating so much pizza because he's gonna get fat and also about chubby squirrel." Nicholas said.

"Chubby who?" Grant asked confused.

Great... I'm also completely irrelevant to him. It's not like I didn't knew or expected that.

"See I'm not the only one that doesn't remember who ever the heck he is." Ryan said.

"Is a female." Nicholas corrected.

"I really don't care of the gender of chubby squirrel." Ryan said.

Violet turned around and got closer to the table.

"Isn't that the girl that has always been in charge to give water at all of the sport events to the players." Violet said.

"Yeah that one!" Sebastian said.

"Oh in that case her name is Monica." Grant said.

Yep... I'm chubby squirrel.

"Where's Shawn?" Violet asked.

"In the line waiting for you." Nicholas said.

"Ok." Violet said and walked over to Shawn.

Wait! Grant knows who I am? He has actually acknowledge me?

"How do you know that?" Nicholas asked.

"I helped her once, the container that she was holding full of water was to heavy for her and almost fell at one of your football games." Grant said.

"You helped the monster." Ryan said.

"You have no right to call her like that you don't even remember her." Grant said and sat down next to Ryan.

"Ohhhh it sounds like Grant has a little crush on chubby squirrel! " Sebastian joked.

"I don't! She's just seems nice. Everyone knows I have a crush on Violet since I got here." Grant said.

"Who doesn't! I mean look at her." Ryan said and took a glance in the direction Violet was standing with Shawn.

"She's like perfection." Nicholas said.

"She's gorgeous but I see her as my friend." Sebastian said.

"That organic food is affecting you bro! Don't you ever felt like sexual attracted to her?" Nicholas asked.

"Of course but she's just a friend. We have known each other for to long we are basically family." Sebastian said.

That's very true, the Smiths and the Hudgens go way back to their great grandparents. The Hudgens males have been doctors for generations like the Smiths. Their grand parents were sent to Egypt to cure thousands of people when a huge disease was spread. Thanks to them is why Sebastian and Violet have been friends since their mothers got in labor the same day.

Sebastian was born on April 15 while Violet was born on April 16.

Violets mother labor took lot's of hours...

"Fine less competition for us!" Nicholas said and high five Ryan.

"Why are you high fiving don't you like the same girl?" Grant said and laughed.

"Yeah but we are still Bros!" Nicholas said.

"Doesn't it make you jealous how close Violet and Shawn are and the fact that everyone thinks their a couple." Ryan said as he finished his last slice of pizza.

"What about the fact that he is next door neighbor to her." Sebastian said and chuckled.

"Omg that's makes me furious! " Ryan said.

"Do you think they have ever... I don't even want to say it." Nicholas said

"I hope not!" Ryan said.

"I doubt it. Besides no one really knows who Violet actually likes." Sebastian said.

"Not even you?" Nicholas asked suprised.

"Nope." Sebastian said.

"I noticed that she is always trying to avoid that subject." Grant said.

Little did they knew that there was one person besides Violet that knew who exactly she was crushing on. Shawn knew 2 secrets of Violet that the other boys didn't.

Hey guys hope that you like this chapter (:
Not updating till I get 5 more comments & 5 more votes.

Picture of Sebastian Hudgens on the side. ❤

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