Chapter 5

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Grant sneaked behind Violet and covered her eyes.

"Guess who?" Grant said in a Batman voice.

"I wonder who could it be." Violet said obviously knowing that it was Grant Gustin.

"I'm Batman!" Grant said in a Batmans voice and removed his hands from Violets eyes.

Violet giggled.

"You are so silly sometimes." Violet said.

"Muchacha estar lista... for di español la clase?" (Girl are you ready for the class Spanish ) Grant asked.

"Yes and you need to practice a little more." Violet chuckled. "Is Para la clase de español." (For Spanish class) Violet corrected him.

"Ok Miss smarty pants. " Grant said.

"Her IQ wouldn't agree with you." Greeg said and walked out of the class room.

Nicholas was about to go after Greeg.

"Nicholas don't." Violet said.

"But he was rude to you." Nicholas said.

"You just got detention. Your the captain of the football team, try to keep it cool." Violet said.

"Plus four eyes isn't even worth it. The reason why he is angry all the time is probably because of all of the sexual tension he has build up during the years." Grant said.

Nicholas laughed.

"You are probably right. Who would even want to do it with four eyes and Geeky Jake." Nicholas added.

Greeg was secretly listening out side the class room standing next to the door. Physically he pretended like he didn't care of what the exclusive group said about him. In reality it bothered him and a lot but instead of actually doing something to change his image he decided to keep his loser self.

For him all of his focus on studies was gonna make him end up being more successful than the exclusive group. He planned to be a wealthy rich man with multiple companies of technology. He just had to hang in there to prove them worng. Popularity in high school was not the most important thing in the world and in a few years he was gonna be the living proof of it.

"So don't get kick out of the team by letting his comments bother you." Violet said.

"When it really bothers me is when he uses you as a target for no reason." Nicholas said.

"Everyone does, exept for you guys so it's ok. It's been like that since forever." Violet said.

"But it's not ok." Nicholas said.

"I have learn to live with it, besides high school is almost over." Violet said.

Oh look at her, it makes me sick. Trying to act like she's the victim, she has no idea of all the pain and suffer she has done to the girls at Cali High School by being so close to the five studs.

"You'll have to make sure to pass all of the classes before being so sure that is finally over." Jake said.

"Seriously Jake? " Violet asked.

"Just saying and remind you. Not trying to make you angry. " Jake said.

"I'm aware of that and I will pass all of the classes!" Violet said.

"Just remember..." Jake started to say.

"Yeah just shut up and go with your friend four eyes!" Violet said.

"Ok, didn't meant to upset you." Jake said and walked away.

Jake found Greeg on the hallway.

"Don't listen to them." Jake said.

"I don't. I don't even care of their opinion. His brain cells are barely there so is like as in he was not even talking." Greeg said.

"If you say so. But yeah sometimes I don't even know why Violet hangs out with them all the time." Jake said.

"I don't know why you even try with Violet. Sometimes she's nice to you and sometimes she's a complete bitch." Greeg said.

"She's not that bad you know." Jake said.

Greeg snorted.

"Sure, whatever Jake. She's a spoil brat. She wastes all of her allowance on spensive idiotic stuff like her clothes. The only good investment she has done is getting the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge which has the latest technology." Greeg said.

"It really is a great complex new phone that brings out brand new great qualities like the 3GB RAM and the 3.6M display of pixels." Jake said.

"How the system works is truly incredible." Greeg said.

"I know, wish I had that phone." Jake said.

"Didn't I saw you earlier with the Galaxy S6 Edge?" Greeg asked.

"Yeah but that was Violets. She gave it to me on Friday so I could download all of the software, apps and anti viruses." Jake said.

Greeg rolled his eyes.

"What?" Jake asked.

"You were her peasant for the weekend." Greeg said.

"No! I was just doing her a favor." Jake said.

"Jake people like her don't deserve to get favors of people like us. It's not fair and it's anti-human." Greeg said.

"You are over reacting about it." Jake said.

"It's your life decision if you want to slowly morph into one of Violets peasants." Greeg said as he click on the water icon on the bending machine.

"That will never happen. They all hate me." Jake said.

"Exept for Shawn." Greeg said as he tooked his water bottle.

"Yeah but that's because he knows... Nevermind." Jake said.

"He knows what?" Greeg asked looking at Jake with a serious face.

"Nothing is nothing!" Jake said.

"What secret are you hiding." Greeg said and then tooked a sip of his water.

"Nothing really. He treats me ok because I also hook his new phones with softwares and apps." Jake lied.

Greeg spit out the water he had on his mouth all over Jakes face.

"What the fuck?" Greeg said.

Jake cleaned his face with his Old Navy dark green hoddie.

"See this is why I didn't wanted to tell you. Knew you were going to over react." Jake said.

"That's it I'm going to robotics club!" Greeg said and walked away angrily.

Well Jake seems kind of relieve. Wonder what the heck is he hiding from Greeg.

Hi guys, hope you that you like this chapter (:
Not updating till I get 5 more comments & 5 more views.

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