Chapter 6

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"Estudiantes por favor hagan silencio!" (Students please be silent!) Mrs. Rodriguez said.

Mrs. Rodriguez she was a 40 year old Spanish teacher. She has been teaching at this school for 12 years. She was born in Spain and moved to the USA when she married her American husband in 2000.

"We made it on time to class." Grant said.

Violet was to busy looking at her reflection on her mirror. She was applying more blush.

"I'm sorry what?" Violet asked.

"That we made it on time to take español." (Spanish) Grant said.

Violet closed her mirror and took out her Samsung Tablet 10.1 from her bag.

"Es la primera clase que llego a tiempo en este dia." (Is the first class I get on time today) Violet said.

"Enserio?" (Really?) Grant asked as if he were surprised.

Violet slightly pushed him.

"You are such a butt face sometimes!" Violet said.

Seriously... Grant Gustin a but face?

He's more like an angel sent from above. I can look at those green emerald eyes all day. He has a smile that makes me feel like everything is going to be a colorful day. Sometimes I day dream that we would wonder of to Narnia in a majestical rainbow pony.

He change to this school last year. Ever since August 12, 2014 I couldn't get that boy out of my mind but of course he was way out of my league.

It makes me so angry that Violet basically has him wrapped around her finger and she dares to call him a butt face!

"Espero que esten en la clase a tiempo todos los dias." (I hope that both of you get to class on time every day.) Mrs. Rodriguez said in a very serious tone.

"Si maestra." (Yes teacher.)" Violet and Grant said at the same time.

"Por favor tengan sus tablets afuera. Van a traducir estas or oraciones y me las mandan a mi email." (Please take out your tablets. You are gonna translate these sentences and you will send them to my email.) Mrs. Rodriguez said.

"I'm so gonna beat you this time!" Grant said.

"You wish!" Violet said and chuckled.

Both of them started to type the sentences on their tablets.

El carro azul esta estacionado en el estacionamiento del centro comercial.
(The blue car is park at the parking of the mall.)

Yo me levanto a la 5 de la mañana de lunes a viernes para ir a la escuela.
(I wake up at 5 am. from Monday to Friday to go to school.)

El que no atiende no aprende.
(The one who doesn't pay attention doesn't learn.)

En verano como hace calor voy todos los dias por un helado de chocolate.
(In winter is hot so I go get everyday a chocolate cream.)

De mascota tengo un perro el cual es muy cariñoso y se llama Pedro.
(My pet is a dog that is very lovable and his name is Peter.)

"Done!" Violet said with a huge smile on her face as she click on send.

Done? How can she be done?!

I'm still trying to figure out how to translate the first sentence. This is unbelievable!

"What? Ahhh I almost beat you this time!" Grant said.

"What can I say I have a gift for languages." Violet said.

"You sure do." Grant said as he watched Violet doing her happy dance.

The way he looks at her is with admiration. He clearly is in love with her after all physically she is perfect in every aspect. But looks shouldn't be the only thing that matter. Oh how I which that some day Grant looked at me the way that he is looking at her.

"Muy bien Violeta!" (Very good Violet!) Mrs. Rodriguez said.

"Gracias maestra." (Thanks teacher.) Violet said smiling.

"Yo tambien termine." (I also finished.) Grant said.

"Si pero tienes que arreglar la cuarta oracion." (Yes but you have to fix the forth sentence.) Mrs. Rodriguez said.

"Why..." Grant pouted.

Gosh he looks so adorable right now, he's completely irresistible.

"Recuerda que solo se habla español en esta clase." (Remember that in this class we only talk in Spanish. ) Mrs. Rodriguez said.

"Lo siento maestra." (I'm sorry teacher.) Grant said.

~The school bell started to ring~

"Solo mandame la oracion escrita correctamente por email para mañana." (Just sent me the sentence by well written by tomorrow.) Mrs. Rodriguez said.

"You will help me right." Grant said looking at Violet.

"Hmm... I don't know. " Violet said teasing him a little.

"Please Violet I need your language expertise!" Grant said.

"Ohhh we are even using fancy words now. " Violet said as she puts her tablet in her bag.

"Please." Grant said giving her the puppy dog eyes.

"I'll think about it." Violet said.

What? She'll think about it?

How can she resist those emerald green eyes...

Oh gosh Monica get a grip! He is so out of your league. Besides this story is not about me, is about little miss Violet.

I'm so sorry, it's that Grant Gustin is so incredibly handsome that makes me loose focus on the subject but I'll try to keep on track of the real story.

"Sin ayuda! Usted solo tendra que arreglar el ejercicio." (with out help! You alone will have to fix the exercise. ) Mrs. Rodriguez said.

Grant sigh.

"Esta bien maestra." (Ok teacher.) Grant said.

"Hey cheer up weren't you going to be the Spanish master this year?" Violet said.

"We both know that you are always gonna be way better than me at Spanish and way better than Ryan at Italian." Grant said.

"That's probably true." Violet said and laugh.

"You have a majestical thing for languages." Grant said and poked Violets nose.

She giggled.

"Come on let's go meet the rest of the guys at our usual lunch spot. " Violet said.

Grant tooked her bag and started to walk.

"You know I can carry my on bag." Violet said.

"I know but you are not. " Grant said.

Hey guys hope that you like this chapter (:
Not updating till I get 5 more comments & 5 more votes.

On the side there's a picture of Grant Gustin

What do you think of Monica expressing her feelings?

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