Chapter 11

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Shawn and Violet were about to exit the building of Cali high school.

Shawn made a turn to his left.

Violet was holding her left wrist and stopped when she notice that Shawn was not heading towards the exit. She looked at him with a confused expression on her face.

"What are you doing?" She asked while still holdimg her left wrist.
Shawn stopped and slowly turned around.

"Before leaving we have to get that cheek out at the nurse office." Shawn said pointing at Violets left wrist.

"It's really ok don't worry, I'm fine." Violet said.

"Sure you are." Shawn said not believing her words.

"I really am." Violet said still not letting go of her left wrist.

"Really?" Shawn asked.

"Yes really." Violet said.

"Then why aren't you letting go of your wrist?" Shawn asked.

"I happen to love holding my wrist, it's quite entertaining." Violet said.

Shawn chuckled.

"That was not convincing at all wasn't it." Violet said.

"Not a all." Shawn said.

"Who would find that fun." Violet said and chuckled.

"Apparently you!" Shawn said and poked Violets nose.

Violet giggled a little.

"Come on let's get you to the nurses office. " Shawn said.

"You won't take me home unless we go over to the nurse aren't you?" Violet said.

"You got that right!" Shawn said.

"Fine, I'll go to the nurses office. " Violet said and walked past Shawn.

"Great!" Shawn said and smile.

"Whatever it takes to get home soon." Violet said.

"Yeah that's the spirit!" Shawn said and laughed a little.

They walked a little bit more until they got to where the nurses office was.

"Good afternoon!" The nurse said.

"Priscilla what's up! Shawn in the house." Shawn said.

Priscilla was our schools nurse since 2010. She was 25 and was gorgeous. She had a curved body, her height was about 5'4. Her eyes were hazel and she had long wavy shinny brown hair.

"Shawn what are you doing after school at the nurses office? This has been like the 5th time today you have come here." Priscilla asked.

Shawn is known for constantly going to the nurses office for no reason. Sometimes he even ditches some classes just to go there.

You probably already know what his motivation is.

Yep he has a crush on the Priscilla the nurse.

"I told you I am not gonna give you my number." Priscilla said.

"This time is like an emergency." Shawn said.

"Is that so?" Priscilla asked.

"Yes! Violet has a swollen wrist." Shawn said motioning Violet to her.

"Miss Smith is a rare thing to see you here." Priscilla said looking at Violet in the eyes.

"Well Shawn made me come but I'm really ok." Violet said glaring at her.

The reason why Violet is being a total bitch to Priscilla it's because her father had an affair with her two years ago. Violets mother is aware of what happened but she just pretends like if she doesn't. What's more important to her is to maintain her family social status, so if she has to lived with her husband fooling around with other woman she will. She's not willing to loose her life style under any circumstance. She just tries to pretend as if she were living a flawless life.

"Come here so I can take a better look at it." Priscilla said as she stood up.

She went to a stool.

"Sit here." Priscilla said.

"I don't feel like it." Violet said as she crossed her arms. "Oh shit!" Violet yelled as she felt a stabbing pain on her left wrist.

Shawn slowly moved Violet over to the stool and helped her sit down.

"Let me help. I wouldn't want to feel responsible of the daughter of Dr. Smith getting more injured." Priscilla said.

"I'm gonna let you help me but just because I feel like I might die of the pain I'm feeling right now." Violet said and slowly uncovered her left wrist by letting go of it.

Priscilla examine the swollen area.

"How did this happened?" Priscilla asked.

"Well... oh right I wasn't there." Shawn said.

"I bump in to Greeg while I was holding a box filled with containers of glitter. When I fell on the floor I guess I put all of my weight on my left wrist." Violet said.

"But he was not there when I found you." Shawn said thinking back of earlier.

"Yeah because the asshole just walked away from me and didn't even helped me when it was clearly his fault for not watching where he was walking." Violet said starting to get angry again.

"He must have the highest IQ but he needs some etiquette classes." Shawn said.

"It's not broken. Just keep it with ice and you should feel better by tomorrow." Priscilla said.

"Ok whatever. " Violet said and slowly stood up.

"Here is some Panadol for the pain and some ice." Priscilla said giving them to Shawn.

"Thanks love." Shawn said.

"Don't." Priscilla said and rolled her eyes.

She walked away from him and went and sat at her desk.

"Come on let's go." Violet said.

They walked over to the parking lot where Shawns car was parked ~2015 Wrangler Unlimited~ In the color black.

"Love my Jeep!" Shawn said as he unlocked it.

"The Jeep is like your true bae." Violet said and she laughed.

He opened the passenger seat for Violet.

"Thank you, such a gentleman. " Violet said and smiled.

"Always." Shawn said.

He got on the car and drove off to where they lived.

"We are home!" Shawn said.

You could tell by the sign of the neighborhood that it was a rich people life style living.

~The Hill Section of Manhattan Beach~

Shawn parked his car on his house driveway. Violet carefully got off.

"See you tomorrow!" Violet said and walked over to her house next door.

Gosh I look like a mess she said to herself.

Hey guys hope that you like this chapter (:
Not updating till I get 5 more comments & 5 more votes.

There's a video that I posted on my YouTube channel on the side. It's of me and my friend Kevin doing the ~What Is It?! Challenge~ go watch it if you want (:

What do you think of Dr. Smiths affair with the nurse of Cali high school?

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