Chapter 4

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"What would kill who?" Nicholas asked.

"Not having Doritos on a movie night would kill all of you guys!" Violet said as fast as she could.

"That's a reality for sure." Nicholas said.

"Right who would watch a movie with out eating Doritos?" Shawn said following what Violet said so Nicholas wouldn't notice that she was trying to avoid telling him something.

"I know I wouldn't do something like that! Doritos are life!" Nicholas said.

"I know man!" Shawn said and high five him.

~The school bell rang~

"We'll I got math now see you at lunch!" Shawn said.

He gave Violet a hug before leaving.

Which makes me so jealous, it's not fair that she not only gets to hang with the cutest boys of the school. Shawn the most gorgeous boy at school is the closest to her. Could it be true that he and Violet are actually a couple or is that just false rumors that people have been saying for years now?

"Are you ready for Earth Science?" Violet asked.

Nicholas chuckled.

"What's so funny?" Violet asked.

"I've been telling you we take chemistry, we already tooked Earth Science on Sophomore year you silly panda." Nicholas said and poke her nose.

Violet chucked and blushed a little.

"How would I pass science class with out you?" Violet said.

"You wouldn't." Nicholas said.

"Ego much?" Violet said and playfully pushed him.

"Come on. I'll share my book with you again. We really need to return this old Earth Science book and get you a Chemistry one." Nicholas said and took the book from her.

"You know you guys don't need to carry all of my stuff around the school all of the time." Violet said.

"It's ok we don't mind." Nicholas said.

"You know that that's one of the reasons why girls hate me here." Violet said.

"Who cares about what other girls think?" Nicholas asked.

"I do." Violet said.

"Why?" Nicholas asked concerned.

"I love hanging with you guys put I haven't known how it feels to hang with girls in a really long time. Like have girl talks and share clothes and stuff." Violet said.

"You are perfect and you shouldn't care of what other people think of you. I know that being all the time with the guys must be a little hard for you sometimes and that having girls glare at you all day is no fun but you are an absolutely amazing person." Nicholas said looking in to Violets eyes.

Violet knew that Nicholas had a crush on her but she never expected for him to say those words to her.

There was absolute silence.

Violet looked away.

"Thanks Nicholas I feel better now. We should get to class." Violet said.

"Yeah we should." Nicholas said.

What just happened between those two. I am so confuse right now. Sometimes I don't get Violet then again I don't really talk to her. I don't really know her well but yet I strongly dislike her.

"We'll good to see that Smith and Richman made it to the class today." Mr. Walters said.

"We haven't miss a day of class this year." Violet said.

"Because it's just starting." Greeg mumbled.

Greeg Miller straight A student since birth. He was always the one with the highest grade on our class. Honestly I don't know why he is still in high school, his grades are so amazing he could have been in Harvard by now. He was white, skinny, with straight black hair and used glasses. He's not very popular with the ladies since he only focuses on his studies and on his hobbies which include Science Fiction and Anime.

"Shut up four eyes!" Nicholas said.

The students started laughing.

"Everyone calm down." Mr. Walters said.

"We are not freshmans anymore." Nicholas said.

"Really? Doesn't look like it with your current behavior. You are just so immature. Now I understand better your IQ." Greeg said.

Nicholas face turned red. He was extremely mad.

"Nicholas calm down." Violet said.

"It's obvious that you get the lowest acceptable grade to not get kicked out of the football team. Also is no secret that Violet is repeating Algebra 2, a basic math class." Greeg said.

Violet looked down, deep down she felt embarrass of having to repeat that class.

"That's it!" Nicholas said and grabbing Greegs sweater near his neck.

"Please stop..." Violet wispher while still looking down.

"Violet he just insulted you." Nicholas said.

"He just said the truth about me. I'm a failure as a student." Violet said and sat down.

"Richman let go of Miller!" Mr. Walters said.

Nicholas pulled Greegs face closer to him.

"You can insult me all you want but don't ever say anything that makes Violet feel bad about herself ever again." Nicholas said and let go of him.

Mr. Walters started to write on a paper and gave it to Nicholas.

"Detention after school Richman." Mr. Walters said.

He tooked the paper and sat down.

"Ok class so we are going to be doing some expirements this semester. They are going to be done with a partner." Mr. Walters said.

The students cheer.

"But I am going to be selecting the partners." Mr. Walters said.

Everyone groaned.

"I just hope he chooses by equally intellectual capacity." Greeg said.

"Same, don't want my IQ to go down." Jake said.

"He will probably put us working together." Greeg said.

"We are going to maintain our grades over the top of the normal scale." Jake said.

"That's what I'm talking about." Greeg said and high five Jake.

While some people are only focus on popularity others are focus on their grades for their future. After all when high school is over life changes. Once you graduate who ever you were back then doesn't matter it just vanishes.

But at the end it's really your own decisions that creates the person that you are going to be.

Hey guys hope that you like this chapter (:
Not updating till I get 5 more votes & 5 more comments.

Thanks for reading the story, if you haven't watch the trailer is on the side. (:

What do you think of Nicholas and Greeg?

Notice MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora