Chapter 9

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I can't believe Jake turned the editors meeting into another let's save the bitch reunion again Greeg said to himself.

"Omg I'm so hot and boys don't leave me alone my life is so complicated!" Greeg started imitating Violet.

His phone started to buzz.

When he looked at it he had multiple Kik conversations that he haven't read.

Just finished watching the anime you recommended!!! I'm still laughing LOL the god of toilet WTF! He was like a human with a poop emoji face. XD

Greeg laughed as he read that.

The anime she was referring to was "Good Luck Girl" which is super funny since it is a comedy.

Omg the feels at the end! When he says that he loves her and she says Thank you as they are hugging and she just gets obligerated! I can't the feels..... :'/

Angel Beats I personally love that anime. It's full of action and emotional moments. I strongly recommend you to watch it if you are into anime.

Dude the last episode of Parasite just came out! You have to watch it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have no words, you would have not even imagine the ending.

I just hope he doesn't keep sending messages and totally spoil the ending of "Parasite" Greeg said to himself.


There was a loud noise.

Greegs phone went flying and hit some lockers.

"What the..." Greeg said as he slowly stood up.

He went over to his phone and picked it up. The screen was completely broken.

"Oh no no no no! Please be ok please!" Greeg begged.

"Don't worry I'm ok." A voice that sounded like a girl said.

"Huh?" Greeg asked confused.

He was standing with his back facing her as he tried to figure out where the voice was coming from.

"Turn around I'm right behind you." The girl said.

When he turned around and spot the girl he started to laugh, he didn't even felt bad for the girl. He just kept laughing and laughing.

Violet was on the floor covered in sparkly glitter of all the colors you could imagine.

"What's so funny?" Violet asked confused.

"You!" Greeg said as he tried to take a picture of her.

His phone was completely broken.

"Oh crap! Because of you my phone doesn't work at all!" Greeg said starting to get upset about the situation.

"It's completely your fault for walking while using the phone." Violet said.

"You do it all the time and you are perfectly fine!" Greeg said still examining his phone.

"You know you can get a new one at the store or ask for shipping that's what I did with my last phone." Violet said.

"But then I couldn't use my brain cells that do exits unlike yours to fix it and it wouldn't be as fun wouldn't it." Greeg said.

"Whatever Greeg." Violet said.

Greeg started to walk away.

Violet cleared her throat.

Greeg stopped walking and looked at her.

"What?" Greeg asked a little annoyed.

"Aren't you going to help me get up?" Violet asked still at the ground.

"You know what that would be the correct and gentlemen thing to do right." Greeg said.

He started walking back to were she was laying.

"Yes." Violet said with a smile and holded out her hand.

Greeg suddenly stopped walking.

"But you know what I'm not your prince charming so I don't need to save you." Greeg said and turned away.

"Seriously you are not going to help me?" Violet said in shocked.

This was the first time in her life that a boy had refuse to help her at something specially when it was his fault. She couldn't belive how Greeg Miller was reacting to this current event.

"Nah I don't feel like it. Wait for one of your peasants to come and save you, you damsel in distress." Greeg said and completely walked away to his car.

Fucking Violet Smith Greeg said to himself.

"Oh crap my information for robotics was in my phone memos!" Greeg said as he cursed under his breath.

"Greeg is everything ok?" Jake said as he came out of the editors reunion and noticed Greegs facial expression.

"No! Everything is completely wrong!" Greeg said.

"What is it?" Jake asked concerned.

"Look at my Fucking phone!" Greeg said showing Jake his phone.

Honestly right now it didn't even looked like a phone. The impact against the locker was to hard. The screen was completely shattered and it had bended parts. The phone wouldn't even turn on.

"What happened?" Jake asked.

"Violet bitching Smith happened!" Greeg yelled.

"How?!" Jake asked with his eyes wide open.

"I don't know I guess we bumb or something. All I know is that my phone is dead and all of my robotics anotations are in there." Greeg said.

"Dude chill it's probably saved on the sound cloud and you sent me a copy of it." Jake reminded Greeg.

Greeg started to calm down.

"Your right. Now I just need to fix the I no longer have no phone situation." Greeg said.

"That's not gonna be easy to fix if you are gonna try to fix that yourself." Jake said.

Both of them stared at the phone.

"Yeah... I should probably call to get a new one or something." Greeg said.

"Yeah I think that would be the best idea." Jake said.

"Can't believe I had to socialize for a moment of my life with her." Greeg said in discust.

"She's not that bad." Jake said and chuckled.

"I don't know how you do it, I don't know why you do it. Just breathing the same air as her in the same environment makes me want to die a little." Greeg said

"You are such a drama queen sometimes." Jake said and the both laughed.

Hey guys hope that you like this chapter (:
Not updating till I get 5 more likes & 5 more comments.

Picture of Nicholas Richman on the side

What do you think of Greeg leaving Violet on the ground and the way he feels about her?

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