Chapter 8

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"Good afternoon Jake!" The members of the Editors club greeted Jake as he entered with a very serious look on his face.

"We have a serious topic to discuss today before we start talking on what is going to be on the newspaper on Friday." Jake said.

Clearly something was bothering him a lot and he was not happy about it.

"Is something wrong?" I asked concerned.

"Yes Monica something is very wrong! Every year is the same thing, Violets number somehow gets on the newspaper making her very upset of getting call and messages of strangers." Jake said and threw a copy of the page on the table.

Even in editors club the subject goes out of focus of the news paper and truns out to take a 360 turn around making it focus on Violet, there's no way to escape her. She doesn't even appreciate the newspaper and when she does she gets very upset about it.

This is completely annoying she doesn't even do anything and yet she is so important that we have to waste precious time talking about her instead of the newspaper.

"Seriously Jake I thought you were over the Violet shit! Stop trying to protect her so much!" Greeg said very pissed.

"I agree with Greeg." I said.

We have this argument every year he has to give it a rest at some point of his life. It's senior year let it go. With that subject he's like a high school girl complaining about how her crush doesn't like her.

"We'll I don't because if all of you have read the manual you should know that it states that personal information like phone numbers, social media, ect. Should not be posted on the school news paper under any circumstances!" Jake said and tooked the school manual out and throwing it on the table next to the news paper page.

Greeg rolled his eyes.

"I got better things to do than to hear about Violets issues. When you are done bitching about it Kik me to play some Star Wars the Old Republic." Greeg said and stood up taking all of his stuff.

"You can't go the meeting is not over!" Jake said turning around facing Greeg.

"I'm going, I have to write a speech for the honor society due tomorrow." Greeg said.

"You can't go we still haven't discovered who did this. It has happened for years now and we have worked so much on the newspaper. Do you want the administration to take down the editors club and be newspaperless?" Jake said.

"Like you said it has been going on for years now. If the administration didn't do something before I doubt that they would take some action on it." Greeg said as if he felt absolutely no worries at all.

"They haven't done anything because she has not complain directly to them." Jake said.

"Why would she do it now?" I asked.

I mean if she hasn't done it in the past three years why would she take action on it on our last year. Honestly it would be stupid but yet again she doesn't exactly has the highest IQ.

"Because I don't think this time me begging to her to not do anything because the editors club is the only thing that I have won't work." Jake said.

"Why would she even care about that." I said.

"She doesn't!" Jake said quickly.

"Ok I'm out!" Greeg said and grabbed his phone.

"You can't go!" Jake said.

Greeg handed Jake some papers.

"Here's my part of the newspaper the curriculum review and the how to make a better studying plan." Greeg said.

After that he started to walk away.

"You are seriously leaving?" Jake said.

"Yes, I was not responsible of Violets phone number plus I already told you I got a speech to write." Greeg said.

"Greeg you write speeches with no grammatical errors in like 15 minutes." Jake said annoyed.

It's true Greeg Miller is a total brain in one day he wrote 12 different essays on complex subjects for the honor society club and made our high school win internationally. Thanks to him is one of the reasons that this high school is of such a prestigious name.

"I know but got better things to do than listen about Violet Smith!" Greeg said and walked out of the door.

"Unbelievable..." Jake said.

He left what Greeg gave him on a file of papers with the other stuff of Fridays newspaper.

"Monica do you have your sport section covered." Jake asked.

"Yes." I said as I handed what I had written to him.

"Thanks, sorry that you have to be their water girl in order to get the right information for your articles." Jake said as he tooked my papers away from my hands.

"Don't worry is ok, I find it like a special secret mission. In a way I'm like a secret agent or a spy." I said.

"Good, hope that their not treating you so badly. " Jake said.

"It's really ok." I said as I remembered what happened earlier at the cafeteria

Specially now that I know that Grant Gustin knows who I am, I will do my very best to not miss any game even if they are not from the LaCrosse team since he goes to the other ones because of his friends.

"So everyone leave what you have in the middle of the table." Jake said as he looked at the clock.

"So is anyone going to tell me who is responsible for the Violet situation.?" Jake asked getting the serious look on his face again.

Something tells me that he wanting to know that information has to do a little bit more than with the school manual but what could that reason be?

Hi guys hope that you like this chapter (:
Not updating till I get 5 more likes & 5 more comments.

Picture of Ryan Lawrence on the side ❤

Why do you think Jake cares so much about what's bothering Violet?

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