Chapter 10

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Shawn enters to the hallway where his locker is next to Violets. They meet there after school because even though Violet has her license and a car ~2016 Mercedes Benz English Class~ he is still her ride home. Well it makes sense since they are next door neighbors, obviously the girls doesn't like this situation at all.

And yes I said it right and no you don't need to go get your eyes cheeked she has a car from 2016. Yes she has a car that hasn't even come out to the market yet. What can I say when you are the only daughter of the best plastic surgeon in California even Mercedes gives you special treatment.

"He's such an asshole!" Violet yelled.

Her face was red, yep she was extremely angry. She would have been ok if Greeg had gave her an apology and helped her get up but he just walked away from her. In her mind that was just not acceptable.

"I can't believe it!" Violet said and tried to get some glitter off of her arms but it was useless. To difficult to get out.

As soon as Shawn noticed Violet on the floor he rushed to her.

"Violet are you ok?" Shawn asked concerned.

It's great to have such a hotie as your knight shinning armor coming to save you at the most unexpected time. Meanwhile I have Doritos.

"I think so." Violet said as Shawn helped her get up.

Shawn tried to see if she had anything broken.

"Does it hurt?" Shawn said putting some pressure on her wrist.

"No." Violet said.

"I don't think is broken but is red and a little swollen. We should stop for some ice at the en former before heading home." Shawn said.

"That's a good idea." Violet said.

Violet took her phone out of her bag with the hand that was not swollen. She set the camera on her phone.

"Oh... My.... Gosh!" Violet said not believe what she was seeing.

"Are you ok? Does your right wrists hurt?" Shawn said starting to get worried again.

"No I'm ok, it's not that." Violet said while still looking at herself in the camera of her phone.

"Then what is it?" Shawn asked.

"Look at me!" Violet said pointing at herself.

"What?" Shawn said with no clue of what she was referring to.

It was pretty obvious what she meant but all of Shawn could think about was her wrist. He honestly worried about her, that have been friends for years now and he didn't like to see her get hurt.

"I look as if a rainbow pony puke on me! I am completely covered in colorful glitter! I look ridiculous! " Violet said trying to get it off her.

She was right she did looked ridiculous and I was enjoying it. Felt bad for the very expensive clothes but yeah I was totally enjoying this moment. For the first time I can say that Violet was not completely fabulous.

"What are you talking about? You don't look ridiculous at all." Shawn said looking at her.

"Shawn you might need glasses if you don't see how horrible I look right now. " Violet said crossing her arms.

I agree with Violet on this one he does need glasses because Violet just went from yay to nay in a split second. Thanks to technology and Greeg. Should I feel bad that this is making me feel so happy. Hmm I don't think so because it's happening to Violet.

Shawn flash her a smile and chuckled.

"What?" Violet said.

Shawn just looked at her.

"Oh I know! You just realized how stupid I look right now." Violet said.

"No that's not it." Shawn said still looking at Violet.

I don't know how she is still breathing. He's the boy that all of the girls think is the most attractive, he's the stud of the school. Most girls would have fainted or something by now.

"Then what is it?" Violet asked confused.

"You need to stop worrying so much about your appearance. Even though you are all covered in glitter you still look beautiful. " Shawn said as he tooked some her hair away from her face.

"I should probably believe in your words." Violet said.

"You should. " Shawn said and smiled.

They looked around and saw the mess that was all over the floor.

"We should probably clean this mess." Violet said.

"It's ok I got it." Shawn said.

"I was partly responsible of this I'll help." Violet said.

Both of them tried to clean the glitter out of the floor but it was useless with out a broom.

"It's ok miss Smith I'll take care of it." Juan said in his Latin accent giving them a smile.

Juan has been the schools janitor since 1994. He came from Mexico, he has a wife and three very energetic kids. He's very nice with all of the students. Sometimes I help him clean up after school hours. Like today I was gonna stay late to clean up Violets mess.

"Are you sure?" Violet asked.

"Yes is my job to keep the school clean and I know that you must have homework to do." Juan said in his Latin accent.

"Thank you Juan." Violet said.

"Very nice of you Juan. " Shawn said flashing his charming smile and walked away with Violet.

I walked over to Juan.

"Good afternoon Juan. " I said and gave him a hug.

"Hi miss Monica." Juan said in his Latin accent.

"How can I help you?" I asked him.

"We'll today I heard a boom! It was miss Smith that fell and glitter every where." Juan said in his Latin accent.

"Ok, I can help." I said and grabbed a room.

Me Monica cleaning Violets mess, even when you have cero interaction with her you can become one of her peasants. How incredible right!

Hey guys hope that you like this chapter (:
Not updating till I get 5 more comments & 5 more votes.

I want you to describe your dream car in the comments.

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