Chapter Two: Complicated

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The next week came by quickly for 7DOD. Laurence walked into the campus with an air of confidence, feeling good about himself. Life couldn't get any better. Bethany was pregnant, he finally got the glee club in order and life was just going his way. He heard a high-pitched voice squawk from behind. It was Harriet, who was gleefully jumping along. 

"Mr Spender! I have an idea for a song at the assembly!" she cheered. Laurence politely smiled.

"That's awesome, but I already have a song in mind!" Laurence declined. Harriet's face drooped a little. 

"What is it?" 

"It's a surprise."

Walking next to him on the other side were Ashley, Michaela and Niall, casually rehearsing some vocal runs. 

"Do we have rehearsals after school, Mr Spender?" Ashley asked. 

"We sure do!" 

"Yes!" they jumped up and down, like the Success Baby. 

"Do you like our runs?" Niall asked, sweetly.

"My vocal cords are probably bleeding right now." Michaela complained. 

"Mike, don't be so negative!" Niall frowned.

"The truth hurts, just like my fist in your face."

"It's going great, guys. Keep up the good work." Laurence smiled as he walked with his briefcase.

He stopped to see Louis, Zayn and the jocks hanging around the rubbish skip. Laurence smiled and politely tutted his head. 

"I see you've made some friends, Louis." Laurence commented.

"Right..." Louis rolled his eyes.

"Hey Mr Spender, what did I get for my Japanese assignment?" Zayn asked, acting suspicious. 

"Not telling you until class. Bye!" Oblivious to it all, Laurence walked past like nothing was going to happen. Louis quickly took off his blue Armani sweater and handed it to the jocks. 

"Have fun working at McDonald's, bitches!" Louis laughed. 

The jocks tossed his lightweight body square into the bin. 


"Excuse you, it's Armani. If you're going to be an asshole, at least be educated."Louis huffed.

Liam and Ashlynn stood by her locker, making out like dead fish yet again. Harriet eavesdropped, disgusted. She nicely organised her books and folders, looking at a picture of Liam she found on the internet. 

"Do I like fat in this outfit? Darius said I did." Ashlynn whined, insecure. 

"No, babe." Liam smiled. 

"Fishing for compliments? How original..." Harriet mumbled, rolling her eyes.

"What the fuck did you just say, Monobrow?" Ashlynn turned to Harriet, offended.

"Nothing..." Harriet lied, smirking.

"It didn't sound like nothing..." 

"That's because nothing doesn't have a sound..."

"Okay, ladies, let's not fight..." Liam said, awkwardly trying to change the subject.

"Fuck off, bitch. I am giving you a warning."

"This got awkward..." Liam mumbled. 

"Fight me." Harriet smiled. 

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom. Have fun, Ash..." Liam said as he kissed Ashlynn's forehead. He quickly sprinted to the bathroom, trying to avoid fighting. 

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