Chapter Nine: Beneath Your Beautiful

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Caitlin sat, staring at her bedroom roof, covered in boy band posters. Next to her on her black bed was her sister, Belinda, who looked nothing like her. In the background was some random acoustic song. Both were just chilling out. 

"What happened to Zayn? I haven't seen him around." Belinda asked, curious. Caitlin rolled her eyes. 

"Seriously? You are like, over two months late. Dude, we broke up..." Caitlin laughed. 

"Well, sor-ry..." Belinda rolled her eyes. 

"He was a dick anyway." 

"Yeah. You were stupid to date him. No offence." 

"None taken." 

"Any new guys you like?" Belinda asked, intrigued. Caitlin unenthusiastically shook her hood. 

"Nope. They're all fugly." Caitlin laughed. Belinda giggled back. 

"Really? Surely there are some hot ones around." 


"You sure?"


Belinda noticed Caitlin's copy of Disconnected. She raised her eyebrows, wondering what a Year 10 was doing with a Year 11 book. 

"Are they making you read this shit? Aren't you in Year 10?" Belinda asked. Caitlin nodded. 

"Darius recommended it." Caitlin explained. 

"Ugh! Him! That fucker." Belinda cursed. 

"What's so bad about him? He's actually fun when you get to know him." 

"I've heard horror stories. Doesn't he make girls do intensive cheerleading when they're on their periods?" Belinda asked. 

"Come on, Bel! Those are rumours!" Caitlin argued. 

"Anyway... let's get back on topic. Why are you reading that book?" 

Caitlin shrugged. 

"I guess I just like reading." Caitlin smiled. Belinda frowned. 

"Caitlin, you hate reading with a passion." 

"I've changed my mind!" Caitlin argued. 

"That's odd..." 

"Belinda, people change! I like reading now!" 

"Okay, but why Disconnected? It's a poorly-edited piece of shit. This shit has like, fifty thousand grammar mistakes..." 

"Grammar Nazi..." Caitlin rolled her eyes. 

"Holocaust jokes are in bad taste, dude..." Belinda frowned. 

"Shut up, Joke Nazi!" 

"We know they run off together! It was obvious from the word 'go'!" Belinda argued.

"Nerd!" Caitlin insulted. 

"I am not a nerd! I just have good taste in books!" 


"Whatever." Belinda shrugged. 

"It's a good book. It's so... you can't help but feel empathy for the characters..." Caitlin explained. 

"I have literally never seen you use such big words before. I'm impressed, Cait." 

"Shut up." 

In her mind, Belinda put the pieces together in her mind. Zayn had been gone for so long, and all Caitlin had talked about at home was Lucy. Caitlin didn't even like reading, she hated it, and why would she choose a book about two women running off together? 

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