Chapter Five: Helena

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7DOD stood on stage, half-assedly singing Immortals. Liam and Ashlynn looked into each other's eyes. Liam had noticed that Ashlynn looked more... pale lately. She was approximately five weeks pregnant now. Liam was scared shitless. There was a high chance it wasn't even his, but he had to go along with it, because Ashlynn's scary as shit. Laurence looked blank while he watched his glee club, unenthused. 

'Cause we could be immortals, immortals

Just not for long, for long.

And live with me forever now,

You pull the blackout curtains down

Just not for long, for long.

Ashlynn felt sick to her stomach. Her face turned a slight shade of green. She held her hand to her mouth and sprinted as fast as she could to her nearest bathroom. Harriet rolled her eyes. Liam stood on stage, confused. The music suddenly halted, with the band members groaning. Zayn chuckled a little bit. 

"What's she been eating?" Zayn joked. Harriet giggled. 

"She must have gone to the Pennyweather Civic Restaurant. That place gives me food poisoning every time I go there." Michaela added. 

"Isn't it odd how she's done this for every performance?" Ashley raised her eyebrows. 

"True. I think she's pregnant. What a slut." Caitlin mentioned. 

"You can talk..." Louis rolled his eyes. 

"You can't say that, Caitlin! She's our friend!" Lucy argued. Caitlin rolled her eyes and imitated Lucy in a high-pitched voice.

"Fuck off!" 

"Damn, shit must be going down if those two are in a fight." Niall joked. 

"Who are you?" Caitlin snarked. 


"It's true, though. Ashlynn can't seem to get through a single performance. I mean, maybe you should replace her with me? What do you say, Liam?" Harriet suggested, smug.

"Huh?" Liam grunted, in a daze. 

"You've been awfully silent. Is something wrong?" 

"No." Liam shook his head, lying. 

"She's pre-" Zayn blurted, immediately cut off by Liam.

"Dude, you can't tell everyone!" Liam snapped. 

"What's the juice? I love watching people's relationships fall apart!" Michaela joked. 

"I knew it! Where's my ten bucks?" Ashley jumped up and down, giggling to Louis. Louis stood and rolled her eyes. 

"We don't even know for sure, Halsey!" Louis argued. 

"Give. me. the. money." 

"Okay, enough about Ashlynn's personal life." Laurence groaned. 

"I think she's sick. Why don't you just give me the solo?" Harriet suggested. Laurence rolled his eyes. 

"No. No way in hell." he responded. Michaela rudely poked her tongue out at Harriet. 

"How the fuck does Michaela get a solo over me?" Harriet whined. 

"Can someone please punch this bitch in the face?" Michaela joked. Ashley and Louis giggled. Harriet's face frowned. 

"I'm back..." Ashlynn groaned as she sluggishly walked back in the building. Zayn avoided all eye contact with her. 

"Are you okay, babe?" Liam asked, concerned. 

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