Chapter Seven: Train In Vain

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Darius wrote in his diary, his wrists tired from writing. The words started to muddle up and get mixed up with each other. In the background played some tacky, motivational EDM music. He sighed, romantically. 

Dear Diary, 

What is wrong with me? I feel I have lost my mojo. Why? 

Well, I, Darius Boyce, am in love. It's not somebody you'd expect. 

Just as he was about to write the next part, a knock on the door cut him off. He groaned like a dead horse. 

"WHO THE FUCK IS IT?" he shouted. 

"It's me, Coach Parkinson." 

"Ugh, come in." 

Parkinson walked inside the office, bored. Darius rolled his eyes and immediately shut his diary. 

"I called you in exactly one hour ago, why are you late?" 

"Ingrid and I were busy." Coach Parkinson admitted. Darius burst out into hysterical laughter. Parkinson raised his eyebrows. 


"Um... are you okay, Darius?" 

Darius took a deep breath, composing himself. He looked deeply into Parkinson's practically-dead eyes. 

"Do you honestly think she's in love with you?" Darius asked. Parkinson looked at him blankly. 

"Can you repeat the question?" Parkinson asked, confused. Darius facepalmed. 

"Do you honestly think she's in love with you?" Darius repeated, groaning. 


"Does she look at you the way she looks at Larry?" Darius asked. Parkinson raised his eyebrows, still confused. 

"I give up." Darius grunted. 

"Are you saying that Ingrid is cheating on me?" 

"Do bears shit in the woods?" 

"You can't be bloody serious..." Parkinson cursed. Darius yanked his collar and pulled him in closer.

"I have one mission for you. At the next glee club, you are to split the team and create your own club. How does that sound?" 


"JUST DO IT!" Darius ordered. 

"Yes, Darius." 


Coach Parkinson left the building, still confused. Caitlin knocked on the door, banging with a thud. 

"Anger issues again, Caitlin?" Darius snickered. "You can come in, sheesh!" 

Caitlin walked inside, placing herself directly in front of him. He handed her a heavy book, labelled Disconnected. Caitlin raised her eyebrows. 

"You're in Year Ten, am I correct?" Darius asked. Caitlin nodded. 

"What the fuck does this have to do with anything?" 

"The Year Elevens are studying it for English. I'm giving you a headstart." Darius explained. 

"What the fuck is this?" Caitlin groaned. 

"A good book. It's called Disconnected." 

"Get to the fucking point!" 

"Excuse me! Only I can use the sass!" Darius snapped. Caitlin rolled her eyes. 

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